Using the Zoom Feature
There are various techniques for changing the view of objects on your Stage. You will find that these techniques are very useful when you need to really fine-tune an image or graphic. You can zoom in on the entire shape or just a part of it. With this increased magnification, you can edit the image with precision. You can also zoom out from your Stage to view the entire Stage and all items on it.
Zooming In on the Stage
Use your zoom control in the lower-left corner of the Flash application window to change your magnification view of the Stage. To view your Stage at a 100% magnification, you can click the arrow on the zoom control and click 100% from the menu list (see Figure 3.11). To have your Stage fit within your monitor display, click the arrow on the zoom control and click Show Frame from the menu list. Your Stage will be proportioned to display fully on your monitor screen.
The zoom control option allows you to zoom in or out on your Stage.
Tip - You can change views by using menu commands. Choose View, Magnification, 100% menu command to change to a 100% magnification view of your Stage or choose View, Magnification, Show Frame to display your Stage fully on your screen.
Tip - You can also enter a number in the zoom control box to access any magnification at which you want your Stage to display. This provides the flexibility you need to attain any magnification view.
Tip - Use (Cmd-3) on a Mac or [Ctrl+3] on a PC to quickly display your movie so it fits to your monitor size.
Tip - If you select your Hand tool, you can click and drag on your Stage area to move to a new location or view of the Stage.
Zooming In and Out on an Object
By using your Zoom tool, you can zoom in on an object on your Stage or work area. Select the Zoom tool and, when you move your mouse within the Stage area, notice that your mouse cursor has changed to a magnifying glass icon with a plus sign in the middle of it. Move your cursor over the object on your Stage where you want to zoom in and click your mouse button. You will double your magnification view of the object. If you want to zoom in more, click your mouse again on the object. Repeat this process until you have the magnification you want.
Just as you learn how to zoom in on an object, you can also zoom out in magnification view. Select the Zoom tool and move your mouse onto the Stage. Then hold down your (Option) key on a Mac or your [Alt] key on a PC. Notice that your magnifying glass icon representing the Zoom tool changes to a magnifying glass with a minus sign in the middle of it. Click on the Stage area or on the object that you want to zoom out of and you will decrease your magnification by double its present setting.
Tip - You can designate a certain area that you want to zoom in or out of by selecting the Zoom tool and setting the zoom out or zoom in setting by using the minus or plus sign. Then click and drag a selection rectangle or marquee around the area that you want to view in a different magnification.