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Demonstrating the clsCard and clsDeck Classes

Now that you've looked over the classes, you might be a little unsure exactly how to use them in your own programs. In this section, you'll build a demo program that puts the classes to work.

Building the Program

Follow these steps to create the demo program:

  1. Start a new Standard EXE Visual Basic project.

  2. Set the following form properties to the values shown here. (Note that the form must be named CardForm because that's the name the clsDeck class expects it to have.)

    Name = CardForm

    AutoRedraw = True

    BackColor = Black

    Height = 7815

    ScaleMode = Pixel

    Width = 7995

  3. Add a CommandButton control to the form, giving it the following properties:

    Caption = "Test Cards"

    Height = 40

    Left = 18

    Top = 439

    Width = 144

  4. Use the Add Form command on the Project menu to add the frmCards.frm form file to the project. You can find this form in the Classes folder of this book's CD-ROM. The frmCards.frm contains the card images, as you can see in Figure 8.2.

    You need this form because it contains the card images.

  5. Use the Add Class Module command on the Project menu to add the clsCard.cls and clsDeck.cls class module files to the project. You can find these class modules in the Classes folder of this book's CD-ROM.

    In order to use the clsCard and clsDeck classes in your program, you must add their files to your project, which you did in this step.

Figure 8.2
The frmCards.frm form.

  1. Use the Add Module command on the Project menu to add the Cards.bas module file to the project. You can find this module in the Classes folder of this book's CD-ROM.

    The Cards.bas module defines the constants, enumerations, and types needed by the program and the classes, as you can see in Listing 8.3.

Listing 8.3 The Cards.bas Module

1: Public Const MAXHANDS = 8
3: Public Enum Orientation
4:  FaceDown
5:  FaceUp
6: End Enum
8: Public Type hand
9:  PositionInHand As Integer
10:  cards(51) As clsCard
11: End Type
13: Public Enum Suits
14:  Diamonds
15:  Clubs
16:  Spades
17:  Hearts
18: End Enum
20: Public Enum CardNames
21:  Ace
22:  Two
23:  Three
24:  Four
25:  Five
26:  Six
27:  Seven
28:  Eight
29:  Nine
30:  Ten
31:  Jack
32:  Queen
33:  King
34: End Enum
  1. Double-click the project's form in order to display the code window, and then type the following lines at the top of the program:

    Option Explicit
    Dim Deck As clsDeck
    Dim TestNumber As Integer

    The Deck object will represent the deck of cards in the program.

  2. Add to the code window the handlers in Listing 8.4 for the form object. You can either type them or copy them from the Cards1.txt file, which you can find in the Chap08\Code directory of this book's CD-ROM.

Listing 8.4 The Form Handlers

1: Private Sub Form_Load()
2:  TestNumber = 0
3: End Sub
5: Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
6:  Unload frmCards
7: End Sub

Analysis - The Unload command in the Form_Unload event handler ensures that the frmCards form will be removed from memory at the same time the main form is.
  1. Add to the code window the command button handler for the form object, shown in Listing 8.5. You can either type the code or copy it from the Cards2.txt file, which you can find in the Chap08\Code directory of this book's CD-ROM.

Listing 8.5 The Command1_Click Handler

1: Private Sub Command1_Click()
2:  Select Case TestNumber
3:  Case 0
4:   ShowFullDeck
5:  Case 1
6:   ShowShuffledDeck
7:  Case 2
8:   ShowFaceDownDeck
9:  Case 3
10:   Deal7CardHand
11:  Case 4
12:   ShowFaceDownHand
13:  Case 5
14:   ShowFaceUpHand
15:  Case 6
16:   ReplaceTwoCards
17:  Case 7
18:  DiscardEachCard
19:  Case 8
20:   MoveCards
21:  End Select
22:  TestNumber = TestNumber + 1
23:  If TestNumber > 8 Then
24:   TestNumber = 0
25:   Set Deck = Nothing
26:  End If
27: End Sub

Analysis - The command button handler calls a different subroutine depending upon the value of the TestNumber variable. This causes the program to cycle through the various tests of the clsDeck and clsCard classes.
  1. Add to the code window the general program subroutines shown in Listing 8.6, which are the subroutines that actually put the classes to the test. You can either type the code or copy it from the Cards3.txt file, which you can find in the Chap08\Code directory of this book's CD-ROM.

Listing 8.6 The General Subroutines

1: Sub ShowFullDeck()
2:  Set Deck = New clsDeck
3:  Cls
4:  CurrentX = 250
5:  CurrentY = 430
6:  Print "Full Unshuffled Deck"
7:  Deck.Deal 13, 0, 20, 20, -20, FaceUp
8:  Deck.Deal 13, 1, 20, 120, -20, FaceUp
9:  Deck.Deal 13, 2, 20, 220, -20, FaceUp
10:  Deck.Deal 13, 3, 20, 320, -20, FaceUp
11: End Sub
13: Sub ShowShuffledDeck()
14:  Cl
15:  CurrentX = 250
16:  CurrentY = 430
17:  Print "Full Shuffled Deck"
18:  Deck.Shuffle
19:  Deck.Deal 13, 0, 20, 20, -20, FaceUp
20:  Deck.Deal 13, 1, 20, 120, -20, FaceUp
21:  Deck.Deal 13, 2, 20, 220, -20, FaceUp
22:  Deck.Deal 13, 3, 20, 320, -20, FaceUp
23: End Sub
25: Sub ShowFaceDownDeck()
26:  Cls
27:  CurrentX = 250
28:  CurrentY = 430
29:  Print "Full Face Down Deck"
30:  Deck.Deal 13, 0, 20, 20, -20, FaceDown
31:  Deck.Deal 13, 1, 20, 120, -20, FaceDown
32:  Deck.Deal 13, 2, 20, 220, -20, FaceDown
33:  Deck.Deal 13, 3, 20, 320, -20, FaceDown
34: End Sub
36: Sub Deal7CardHand()
37:  Cls
38:  CurrentX = 250
39:  CurrentY = 430
40:  Print "7-Card Hand"
41:  Deck.Shuffle
42:  Deck.Deal 7, 0, 20, 20, 10, FaceUp
43: End Sub
45: Sub ShowFaceDownHand()
46:  Dim i As Integer
48:  Cls
49:  CurrentX = 250
50:  CurrentY = 430
51:  Print "Face Down Hand"
52:  For i = 0 To 6
53:   Deck.ShowHandCard 0, i, FaceDown
54:  Next i
55: End Sub
57: Sub ShowFaceUpHand()
58:  Dim i As Integer
60:  Cls
61:  CurrentX = 250
62:  CurrentY = 430
63:  Print "Face Up Hand"
64:  For i = 0 To 6
65:   Deck.ShowHandCard 0, i, FaceUp
66:  Next i
67: End Sub
69: Sub ReplaceTwoCards()
70:  Dim i As Integer
72:  PrepareScreen
73:  Print "Replace Two Cards"
74:  For i = 0 To 6
75:   Deck.ShowHandCard 0, i, FaceUp
76:  Next i
77:  Deck.DealReplace 0, 2, FaceDown
78:  Deck.DealReplace 0, 3, FaceDown
79: End Sub
81: Sub DiscardEachCard()
82:  Dim i As Integer
84:  PrepareScreen
85:  Print "Discard Cards"
86:  Deck.ShowHand 0, 20, 20, 10, FaceUp
87:  For i = 6 To 0 Step -1
88:   MsgBox "Click OK to discard a card"
89:   Deck.EraseCard 0, i
90:   Deck.Discard 0, 0
91:   Deck.ShowHand 0, 20, 20, 10, FaceUp
92:   Deck.ShowHand 7, 20, 110, -20, FaceUp
93:  Next i
94: End Sub
96: Sub MoveCards()
97:  Dim i As Integer
99:  PrepareScreen
100:  Print "Move Cards"
101:  For i = 0 To 6
102:   Deck.EraseCard 7, i
103:   Deck.MoveHandCard 7, i, i * 20 + 20, 200, FaceUp
104:  Next i
105: End Sub
107: Sub PrepareScreen()
108:  Cls
109:  CurrentX = 250
110:  CurrentY = 430
111: End Sub

Analysis - These subroutines are the guts of the program. You'll look at this source code in detail a little later in this chapter.
  1. Save the project's form file as CardForm.frm and the project file as Cards.vbp.

You've now completed the Cards demo program.

Running the Demo Program

When you run this program, you first see the screen shown in Figure 8.3. Here the program has dealt four hands of 13 cards each, all before shuffling the deck. As you can see, all the cards are in order. When you press Enter, the program shuffles the cards and redeals the four hands, as shown in Figure 8.4. You can see that the cards were indeed shuffled, so the program deals them randomly. Press Enter again and the program deals the same cards face-down.

Figure 8.3
The unshuffled deck.

After showing the entire deck, the program manipulates the hand. Each time that you press Enter or click the Test Cards button, the program performs a new function on the current hand. First, it deals a seven-card hand and displays it face-up. The program then shows the hand face-down and again face-up.

Figure 8.4
The deck after shuffling.

Next, the program deals two new face-down cards into the hand (see Figure 8.5) and then reveals them by turning them over. Then, each time you press Enter, the program discards a card from the hand and displays the new discard pile. Finally, the program moves the discard pile to a new location on the screen.

Figure 8.5
Dealing new cards into a hand.

Using the clsDeck Class

The demonstration program shows most of what you need to know to use the clsDeck class. Before the program can access the clsDeck class, it must create a Deck object:

Dim Deck As clsDeck

Now, to deal four, 13-card hands from the deck, the program calls the Deal subroutine four times:

 Deck.Deal 13, 0, 20, 20, -20, FaceUp
 Deck.Deal 13, 1, 20, 120, -20, FaceUp
 Deck.Deal 13, 2, 20, 220, -20, FaceUp
 Deck.Deal 13, 3, 20, 320, -20, FaceUp

The Deal method's arguments are the number of cards to deal, the hand where the cards will be dealt, the x,y screen coordinates of the first card in the hand, the onscreen distance between each card in the hand, and the cards' orientation (either FaceUp or FaceDown). In the preceding code segment, notice that the distance between the cards is -20. A negative distance causes the cards to appear overlapped. Positive distances separate the right and left edges of adjacent cards by the given number of pixels.

Because the cards in the Deck object are all in order, the deck must be shuffled:


After the shuffle, the program redeals the 13-card hands in random order:

 Deck.Deal 13, 0, 20, 20, -20, FaceUp
 Deck.Deal 13, 1, 20, 120, -20, FaceUp
 Deck.Deal 13, 2, 20, 220, -20, FaceUp
 Deck.Deal 13, 3, 20, 320, -20, FaceUp

Next, the program deals a seven-card hand, which is displayed onscreen first face-up and then face-down. The program switches the cards' orientation by using the ShowHandCard method, which can display any card face-up or face-down:

 For i = 0 To 6
  Deck.ShowHandCard 0, i, FaceUp
 Next I

The arguments for ShowHandCard are the number of the hand where the card is located, the card's position in the hand (starting at 0 for the first card), and the card's new orientation (either FaceUp or FaceDown).

To replace cards in a hand, the program calls the DealReplace method:

 Deck.DealReplace 0, 2, FaceDown
 Deck.DealReplace 0, 3, FaceDown

This method's arguments are the number of the hand where the card to be replaced is located, the position in the hand of the card to be replaced, and the orientation of the new card's display. Note that DealReplace does not add replaced cards to the discard pile. To add cards to the discard pile, you must call the Discard method. The example program in Listing 8.7 does this.

Listing 8.7 Discarding Cards

1:  For i = 6 To 0 Step -1
2:   MsgBox "Click OK to discard a card"
3:   Deck.EraseCard 0, i
4:   Deck.Discard 0, 0
5:   Deck.ShowHand 0, 20, 20, 10, FaceUp
6:   Deck.ShowHand 7, 20, 110, -20, FaceUp
7: Next I

Analysis - In the For loop, the program discards each card from the hand one at a time (Lines 3 and 4), displaying the new discard pile after each discard (Lines 5 and 6). The Discard method's arguments are the number of the hand where cards must be discarded and the position within the hand of the card to discard. In the preceding code segment, Discard's arguments are always 0,0 because the first card in the hand is always the one being discarded. When a card is discarded, the other cards in the hand move back to fill in the empty space.

Finally, the example program moves the discard pile to a new screen location by calling the MoveHandCard method:

 For i = 0 To 6
  Deck.EraseCard 7, i
  Deck.MoveHandCard 7, i, i * 20 + 20, 200, FaceUp
 Next I

MoveHandCard moves a single card to a new screen location. Its arguments are the number of the hand that holds the card to move, the position of the card in the hand, the new x,y coordinates for the card, and the card's orientation.

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Last Update: November 17, 2020