About the ROM schema
The ROM specification is encapsulated in a schema written in the language of XML Schema. XML Schema provides a standard way of defining the structure, content, and semantics of an XML file. XML Schema is similar to Document Type Definition (DTD). The ROM schema, therefore, contains the formal expression of the content, structure, and semantics of the ROM report design. The ROM schema is located at:
A statement similar to the following one appears at the top of every report design file:
<report xmlns="http://www.eclipse.org/birt/2005/design" version="3.2.15" id="1">
This statement identifies the schema upon which BIRT bases the report design. If the design contains elements extraneous to or in violation of the rules set forth in the schema, it is not a valid design.
Opening a report design file with a schema-aware tool such as XMLSpy provides a means of verifying the report design against the schema. Using a schema-aware tool also can help a developer of a custom report designer to verify the output of the custom report designer.
The ROM schema defines syntax that allows extensions to BIRT without making changes to the actual schema. For example, an extended item uses the following tag:
<extended-item name="extension">
The ROM schema defines properties using the following syntax:
<property name="propertyName">value</property>
The ROM schema describes a syntax for representing properties. The ROM schema does not define any actual properties. ROM element properties are defined in another file, rom.def.