- Permission and Application Space
- Benefits of Content Providers
- And the Drawbacks
- So What to Choose?
- Applied Example: MyWalks
- Adding Location Points
- Narrowing the Data Returned by a Query
- Conclusion
Narrowing the Data Returned by a Query
Following the RFC standard, we can use specific URIs to narrow down the data we are querying for. In our application, we might want to select a walk depending on its creation date. A URI of the following form, would be used (the from and to fields are in "zero epoch" value):
To enable such a query, we will set the where clause in the query method of the instantiated content provider, as follows:
String from = uri.getQueryParameter("from"); tring to = uri.getQueryParameter("to"); if (from != null) { qb.appendWhere("created>" + from); } if (to != null) { // There seems to be a bug here. We need to manually ensure the AND // is part of the where clause qb.appendWhere(" AND created<" + to); }
The code is straightforward, and you can extend it to any key/value pair. You can build up more complicated URIs in order to access the data in different ways.