Modigliani (1986) describes his path-breaking research that led to his Nobel prize, as well as how he developed the life cycle hypothesis. The book by Becker (1993), yet another Nobel laureate, contains a number of his pioneering articles on the economic returns to human capital investment. Bodie, Merton, and Samuelson (1992) wrote the first formal article within financial economics to treat human capital as an asset class that can be primarily treated as a bond. The monograph by Ibbotson, Milevsky, Chen, and Zhu (2007) provides a more technical and mathematical analysis of the value of human capital, in addition to a number of actual case studies and examples that expand on the ideas in this chapter and the next one. Lee and Hanna (1995) wrote another early and relevant paper on how to think about human capital within the context of financial planning. Finally, the book by Lleras (2004) is an accessible book on the international returns to investing in human capital.