- Introduction
- Specifying Watched Folders
- Importing Tags Attached to Photos
- Getting Photos from Files and Folders
- Getting Photos by Searching
- Getting Photos from a CD or DVD
- Getting Photos from a Camera or Card Reader
- Getting Photos from a Scanner
- Getting Photos from a Mobile Phone
- Getting Photos from a Video in the Editor
- Adding Photos to the Organizer from the Editor
- Creating and Opening a Catalog
- Managing Catalogs
- Moving Files in a Catalog
- Deleting Files from a Catalog
- Backing Up a Catalog
- Restoring a Catalog Backup
This chapter is from the book
Getting Photos from a CD or DVD
When you get photos from a CD, DVD, or other external device, such as a scanner, digital camera, card reader, or mobile phone, Photoshop Elements first copies the photos to a folder on your computer, and then creates a link to the file. When you get photos from a CD or DVD, you can choose to make full- or low-resolution copies of the files. Full-resolution copies are best for editing, while low-resolution are best for previewing photos and saving disk space.
Import Photos from a CD or DVD
In the Organizer, click the File menu, and then point to Get Photos and Videos.
Click From Files and Folders.
Navigate to the CD or DVD drive with the files you want to import into the Organizer.
Select the photos you want to import into the Organizer. Press Ctrl to select more than one photo file.
Click the Copy files on import option to make full-resolution copies of the photos, or click the Generate previews option to make low-resolution copies of the photos.
If you’re keeping a master photo offline, type a volume name for the CD or DVD and label the disc to make it easier to find and download the master when needed.
Select the Automatically Suggest Photo Stacks check box to group visually similar photos together into stacks upon your approval.
Select the Automatically Fix Red Eyes check box to automatically correct red eyes for photos that need it when you import the files.
Click Get Photos.