- Ordering, Delivery and Unboxing
- The Hardware
- The Initial Boot
- The gOS
- Accessing the Root Account on the gPC/gOS
- Connecting to Windows
- Comparison to a $200 Ebay Machine
- Summary
Comparison to a $200 Ebay Machine
We are often asked by people and businesses to find low-cost computers that must run Windows XP. Instead of going to online resellers and locating a low budget PC that can barely run the operating system, much less any additional software, we head to Ebay. Since the average person only uses their PC for email, web surfing, document creation, and media features, the hardware requirements aren't too demanding. In fact, most of the time we find systems that match or beat the gPC for roughly the same cost of this new PC. So, how do used Ebay PC's match up?
At the time of this writing, you can get a Dell Optiplex P4 2.8GHz 512MB RAM 40GB DVD XP Pro (with OEM Certificate of Authority) off Ebay for roughly $150 shipped. So, the question becomes: is it a better deal to get a used Dell system with more oomph, or an energy efficient system like the gPC? Ultimately, it all depends on what you are looking for in a computer. If you are only comfortable with Windows products and do not want to stray from the familiar interface (and can stomach purchasing used equipment), the Ebay route is best. If you are willing to expand your horizons beyond the XP atmosphere, want to do your part to be environmentally friendly, and aren't looking for a powerhouse PC, then the gPC will be perfect for your needs.