The Initial Boot
With the hardware review out of the way, it is time to take a look at the bootup/configuration process. This is going to be where we really expect to see if and how the gPC along with its gOS really stands up to challenge.
Once we had everything plugged in, we hit the power button on the front panel and were greeted with a grub boot loader followed by a "Starting up" message that stayed on the screen for about 10 seconds. This was soon replaced with a nice green screen with the gOS logo on it and a bar across the bottom that provided a visual indicator as to how much longer we had to wait for the boot process to complete.
When the gPC is booted for the first time, you will have answer a few standard configuration options that are required for most PC setups. This includes your language of choice, your time zone, your keyboard layout, and a username/password for security purposes. Once you enter this information the system saves the data and boots up to the login screen where you enter the authentication information of the account you previously added. Again, if this is the first time you booted the gPC, you will be requested to enter your password again to access the administrative tasks section, which is just needed to install the Firefox-Google-Toolbar (optional).