Creating Items as Subitems
Creating an item as a subitem of another item is one way to easily filter reports for a group of similar items. Your accounting data is not affected by having or not having items as subitems.
To make an item a subitem of another item:
- Click Lists, Item List.
- Double-click the item you want to assign as a subitem. The Edit Item dialog opens.
- Place a check mark in the Subitem of box, as shown in Figure 3.20.
Figure 3.20 Marking an item as a subitem of another list item.
- From the drop-down menu select the item you want to relate this subitem to.
You can create a subitem only within the same item type; for example, service items cannot be subitems of inventory items.
You can also rearrange the list by assigning a subitem to another item by using your mouse pointer on the Item List to move the item up or down and to the right or left. This functionality is the same as was discussed in the "Removing Duplicated Accounts by Marking an Account Inactive" in Chapter 2.