- Installing DB2 UDB Servers
- Prerequisites
- Before You Begin
- Installing DB2 UDB
- Installed Directory Structure
- Considerations in an NIS Environment
- Distributed Installation
- Sample Response Files
- Creating a Response File
- Distributed Installation with a Response File
- Installing DB2 with db2_install
- DB2 UDB Environment Definitions
- DB2 Profile Registry
- Managing the DB2 Profile Registry
- The db2set Command
- Environment Variables
- Hierarchy of the DB2 UDB Environment
- DB2 Administration Server (DAS)
- DAS Process
- DB2 Instances
- Creating the Sample Database
- Using the Command Line Processor (CLP)
- Uninstalling DB2 Products
- Stopping the DAS Instance
- Stopping All DB2 Instances
- Removing the DAS Instance
- Removing DB2 Instances
- Removing DB2 Products
This chapter is from the book
Removing the DAS Instance
You must remove the DAS instance before you remove DB2. To remove the DAS instance, perform the following steps:
Log in as a user with root authority.
Back up the files in the DASHOME/sqllib directory, if needed, where DASHOME is the home directory of the DAS instance. You might want to save the database manager configuration file, db2systm.
Remove the DAS instance by entering the following command:
DB2DIR/instance/dasdrop ASName
where ASName represents the name of the DAS instance being removed.
The dasdrop command removes the /sqllib directory under the home directory of the DAS instance.