- Coordinate Systems
- Transformation Types
- The <tt>Matrix</tt> Class and Transformation
- The <tt>Graphics</tt> Class and Transformation
- Global, Local, and Composite Transformations
- Image Transformation
- Color Transformation and the Color Matrix
- Matrix Operations in Image Processing
- Text Transformation
- The Significance of Transformation Order
- Summary
In this chapter we first discussed the basics of transformation, coordinate systems, the role of coordinate systems in the transformation process, and transformation functionality. We learned
How to distinguish among global, local, and composite transformations
How to use the Graphics class transformations in applications
How to translate, scale, shear, and rotate graphics objects
Matrices play a vital role in transformation. We can customize the transformation process and its variables by creating and applying a transformation matrix. This chapter showed
How to use the Matrix and ColorMatrix classes, and their role in transformation
How to use the matrix operations for image processing, including translation, scaling, shearing, and rotation
How to use recoloring and color transformation to manipulate the colors of graphics objects
How to perform color transformations
Transformations can be applied not only to graphics images and objects, but also to text strings. Drawing vertical or skewed text is one example of text transformation. This chapter explained how to transform text.
Printing also plays an important part in GDI+. In Chapter 11 you will learn various components of the System.Drawing.Printing namespace and how to use them.