A superkey is
A minimal key
A foreign key
A set of attributes that can be used to identify a single row in a table
A minimal set of attributes that can be used to identify a single row in a table
If a table is in second normal form
It is also in first normal form
It is also in third normal form
It does not contain any transitive dependencies
It contains attributes that are not fully functionally dependent on the key
If a table is in third normal form
It is also in Boyce-Codd normal form
It contains non-atomic attributes
It does not contain any transitive dependencies
It contains attributes that are not fully functionally dependent on the key
The three kinds of anomalies are
insertion, selection, deletion
insertion, update, deletion
selection, update, deletion
A tuple is
a column
a row
a candidate key
the birthplace of Elvis Presley
a foreign key