In Brief
Each location step is made up of an axis, a node test, and zero or more predicates.
An axis indicates how to search for nodes. Here are the XPath 1.0 axes:
The child axis
The attribute axis
The ancestor axis
The ancestor-or-self axis
The descendant axis
The descendant-or-self axis
The following axis
The following-sibling axis
The namespace axis
The parent axis
The preceding axis
The preceding-sibling axis
The self axis
You can use these node tests in XPath 1.0:
The * wildcard character matches any element or attribute name.
-A name matches a node with that name (for example, planet will match a <planet> element).
The comment() node test selects comment nodes.
The node() node test selects any type of node.
The processing-instruction() node test selects a processing instruction node.
The text() node test selects a text node.
Predicates are enclosed in [ and ] and may contain any valid XPath 1.0 expression.