Besides symbols as bullets, we might want to create an automatically numbered list. By clicking the Numbered tab in the Bullets and Numbering dialog box (see Figure 3.8), we get number style options with various formats for our numbered list.
3.8 Clicking the Numbered tab enables you to automatically number your list
in various styles.
We get the same size and color options as with bullets, but we also get a choice to begin numbering with a specific number.
You would use the Start At box to begin a set of numbered bullets at the next consecutive number from a previous slide if you need to break up the bullets to add other elements to the slide.
Now we can remove the number from our topics, and let PowerPoint's numbering capability automatically number our topics for us. Adding another topic with a carriage return creates another automatically generated number, as shown in Figure 3.9.
3.9 Incrementing the numbered list is easy: just add a carriage return and
type your entry.