Binding Utilities
When a remote client wants access to a database server, the database utilities must be bound on the server for the client to use. The database utilities that a remote client must bind to the DB2 server include:
CLI/ODBC support
DB2 Command Line Processor
Data import/export utilities
REXX Support - If you want to use the REXX SQL interface
If you create a new database on the server, packages for the database utilities must also be created in the system catalog tables. All of the client utility packages are contained in a file called DB2UBIND.LST. Call Level Interface and ODBC packages are grouped together in the DB2CLI.LST file. These packages can be created by executing the BIND command from the client workstation after a connection has been made to the server database.
The BIND command must be run separately for each database that you wish to access. Once a package has been successfully bound to the database, all DB2 clients can access it. If you have different types or versions of clients on your network, you must bind the utilities from each type and version of client.
Bind files can be different for each client platform and each version of DB2. You have to bind them for each platform you want to use. Every time you install an update to the DB2 product that comes with new bind files, you also have to bind the new files.
Here is an example binding from a Windows client to the DB2CERT database that is on an AIX server. Issue the following commands:
connect to db2cert bind @db2ubind.lst blocking all grant public
The output from the BIND command can be sent to a file using the MESSAGES parameter. By default, the information is displayed to the screen.
The symbol @ is used to specify that DB2UBIND.LST is a list of bind files and is not a bind file itself.
When a bind is performed, you should ensure that there are no errors. If errors are encountered, the package will not be created in the database. Common errors include nonexistent database objects used in static SQL.
Note that, the GRANT PUBLIC option of the BIND command was used. This option provides EXECUTE and BIND privileges to all users that can access the database. Also note that there are different BIND command options for DRDA (host) databases, such as DB2 for OS/390. (See the DB2 UDB V8.1 Command Reference for details.) The output of a successful BIND command should be similar to this excerpt:
LINE MESSAGES FOR db2ubind.lst ------ -------------------------------------------------------- SQL0061W The binder is in progress. LINE MESSAGES FOR db2clpnc.bnd ------ -------------------------------------------------------- SQL0595W Isolation level "NC" has been escalated to "UR". SQLSTATE=01526 LINE MESSAGES FOR db2arxnc.bnd ------ -------------------------------------------------------- SQL0595W Isolation level "NC" has been escalated to "UR". SQLSTATE=01526 LINE MESSAGES FOR db2ubind.lst ------ -------------------------------------------------------- SQL0091N Binding was ended with "0" errors and "2" warnings.
The utilities that are bound include IMPORT, EXPORT, LOAD, CLP, BACKUP, RESTORE, and REORG. The DB2UBIND.LST file contains the list of bind (.BND) files that are required to create the packages for these utilities.
Remember you must have BINDADD authority to create a new package in a database. If the package exists, then BIND privilege for the package is the only requirement needed to update the package.
Binding Utilities Using the Configuration Assistant
Binding utilities can also be done with the Configuration Assistant. In this example, binding the utilities to a DB2 for OS/390 database will be demonstrated.
To do this, the user performing the bind operations must have SYSCTRL or SYSADM authority or be granted the BINDADD authority or CREATE IN COLLECTION NULLID privileges.
While the Configuration Assistant is convenient to use, it gives you only a subset of the BIND options available from the command line interface.
Start the CA. Select the DB2 for OS/390 database that has been catalogued. Click on the Bind button and the Bind Database dialog will pop up.
Figure 3-32. Configuration Assistant - Bind option
Select Bind.
Using this interface, you can also bind user application bind files, not just the DB2 utilities.
Figure 3-33. Bind Utilities - Connect to DB2 Database
Select one or more utilities or files from the list:
CLI/ODBC Support - If you want to use ODBC or CLI applications
Command Line Processor - If you want to use interactive SQL from the DB2 command line interface
Data Import/Export Utilities - If you want to import or export data on the DB2 database to or from the client
REXX Support - If you want to use the REXX SQL interface
To change or review the bind options, click on the Add button.
Figure 3-34. Add Bind Option
Click on OK to return to the Bind Utilities dialog. Click on OK on the Bind Utilities dialog to start the bind process. Details about the bind progress as well as warnings and errors will be displayed in the Bind Results dialog.
Complete the Enter connect information panel by filling in a valid user ID and password, then click on Bind. The Bind Results panel is displayed.