Getting Connected: DB2 Universal Database V8 Database Administration Certification
DB2 databases can be accessed by applications that run on the same machine as the database or from a remote machine by using a distributed connection. In addition to providing client access to a centralized database running on a server, distributed connections can also be used to perform administrative tasks on the database server by a Database Administrator using a client workstation.
DB2 Client Overview
In the last chapter, the installation of a DB2 Server on Windows, Linux, and UNIX has been demonstrated. The installation and configuration of the DB2 clients will now be examined.
The DB2 client provides a runtime environment that is required for DB2 applications to access database resources. The DB2 client contains the communications infrastructure to communicate with remote database servers. You can also execute SQL, bind packages, use data manipulation utilities (Import/Load/Export), and catalog remote nodes and databases. Most of the database administrator tasks can be performed from a DB2 client.
These are the types of DB2 clients you can install:
DB2 Run-Time Client provides the ability to access DB2 databases and a basic application execution environment.
DB2 Administration Client provides all the features of the DB2 Run-Time Client and includes all the DB2 Administration GUI tools, documentation, and support for Thin Clients.
DB2 Application Development Client provides all the features of the DB2 Administration Client and also includes libraries, header files, documented APIs, and sample programs to build character-based, multimedia, and object-oriented applications.
Installing the DB2 Client
The DB2 client installation for either Intel or UNIX workstations is similar to the server installation. The easiest method for installation is to use the DB2setup wizard. The DB2 Administration Client will install the DB2 Run-Time Client, the Administration tools, and the Thin client. The components installed will include support for:
System Bind Files
GUI tools
In Windows you must make sure the user account used to install the product is defined on the local machine, belongs to the Local Administrator's group and has the Act as part of the operating system advanced user right.
A thin client refers to a DB2 Administration Client that runs its applications from a code server across a network. A thin client can be set up by installing a DB2 Adminstration client or DB2 Connect Personal Edition on a workstation running a Windows 32-bit operating system. This workstation can then act as a code server that allows the application to run with only the immediately necessary modules at the client.
The following diagram illustrates in more detail a remote client connecting to a DB2 server:
Figure 3-1. Remote client flow to DB2 server
All remote clients use a communications product to support the protocol the client uses when accessing a remote database server. This protocol support is either part of the client's operating system or available as a separate product.
The protocol stack must be installed and configured before a remote client can communicate with a remote DB2 server.
DB2 provides many different methods for configuring a remote client that wants to access a DB2 database server. Though the methods may differ, the steps are basically the same:
Make sure that the communication product is installed and configured on the client workstation. The following protocols are supported: TCP/IP, NetBIOS, Named Pipes, and APPC.
Perform the communication-specific steps. For example, if using TCP/IP, update the services file on the server with the port number(s) that the database server is listening on.
Catalog the remote node. This is the database server to which you want to establish the connection.
Catalog the remote database. A DB2 database server can support both local and remote clients concurrently.
The easiest way to configure a remote client for communication with a DB2 server is by using the Configuration Assistant.
Normally, the communication settings for the DB2 server are configured during installation.