Whenever you add clip art to a page or resize another graphic, your work isn't permanent until the next time you save the page by clicking the Save button on the standard toolbar.
After you save the page, the Save Embedded Files dialog box opens, as shown in Figure 3.10.
3.10 Saving new and edited graphics.
This dialog box contains a list of all new clip art and edited graphics.
Clip art is given a nonsensical name by FrontPage, so you should change it to something more descriptive, in case you need to find the graphic later.
To change a filename, select the file in the Embedded Files to Save list and click the Rename button. The name changes to a field that you can edittype a new name and press Enter.
As described at the top of this hour, FrontPage chooses a format for new graphics based on how many colors they contain. Clip art with more than 256 colors is saved as a JPEG graphic, and art with 256 or less is saved as in GIF format.
To choose the format for a graphic, select it and click the Picture File Type button. The Picture File Type dialog box appears.
This dialog box lists the four possible formats for the graphic: GIF, JPEG, PNG-8, and PNG-24. One already will be selectedthe format FrontPage was going to select for you.
FrontPage might recommend that a clip art illustration be saved as a JPEG, but this is usually a bad idea. The GIF format handles solid color much better than JPEG and reduces the size of the graphic considerably.
After selecting a format, click OK to close the Picture File Types dialog box.
After you have selected a filename and format for each graphic in the Save Embedded Files dialog box, click OK. The graphics and page are saved.
After clip art has been saved, you can make use of it on other Web pages like any other graphic on your computer.