NIS+ to LDAP Migration Example
The NIS+ Gateway is very flexible, providing many different ways to configure it to meet your needs. Providing examples that cover all the different possible configurations would be very long and would be more confusing than beneficial. Therefore, the following assumptions are made about the environment where the NIS+ Gateway is run.
The target directory server is Sun ONE Directory Server 5.x software.
The idsconfig script is run on the directory server.
The directory server is set up to store passwords in crypt format.
The current NIS+ service consists of a single domain with one NIS+ master server.
The timezone and client_info tables are not mapped. This eliminates the need to update the directory server schema.
Table objects are not mapped. This eliminates the need to update the directory server schema.
The LDAP structure is empty and will be populated by running rpc.nisd.
To Migrate Your Data From NIS+ to LDAP
Before proceeding, make sure you backup all NIS+ data; see nisbackup(1M).
Upgrade your NIS+ master server to run the Solaris 9 OE.
Install the Sun ONE Directory Server software, and run the idsconfig script.
Obtain the password for the cn=directory manager account.
Edit the following lines in /etc/default/rpc.nisd.
preferredServerList= You do not have to edit this line if the directory server is running on the same system as NIS+ Gateway.
defaultSearchBase=dc=example,dc=com - You do not have to edit this line if the directory server DIT equates to your NIS+ domain name.
nisplusLDAPproxyUser=cn=directory manager If you choose not to use this account, specify the DN of an existing account.
nisplusLDAPproxyPassword=dirmanager Make sure you read protect the rpc.nisd file to protect the password.
Create a copy of the /var/nis/NIS+LDAPmapping.template file.
Edit the /var/nis/nlm file to disable directory and group objects.
Edit the /var/nis/nlm file to remove all references to table objects.
Test the mapping you created using the nisldapmaptest utility with the im option specifying the mapping file nlm.
Upload all NIS+ data to LDAP using rpc.nisd.
Verify that the LDAP entries were created.
Rename /var/nis/nlm to /var/nis/NIS+LDAPmapping and restart rpc.nisd.
The sample deployment assumes the Sun ONE Directory Server software is running on the same system as the NIS+ Gateway, but this is not necessary. If you choose not to run them on the same system, the server IP address and port number must be defined in rpc.nisd.
The sample deployment uses this account as the proxy user for accessing data stored in the LDAP directory. For a real production environment you should to create a separate account for this purpose and grant that account read and write access privileges.
The copy should be created in the /var/nis directory and can be called anything except NIS+LDAPmapping. For this example, we assume the copy of the mapping file is /var/nis/nlm.
# Standard NIS+ directories #nisplusLDAPdatabaseIdMapping basedir: #nisplusLDAPdatabaseIdMapping orgdir:org_dir #nisplusLDAPdatabaseIdMapping groupsdir:groups_dir # Standard NIS+ groups. #nisplusLDAPdatabaseIdMapping admin:admin.groups_dir # Standard NIS+ directories #nisplusLDAPentryTtl basedir:21600:43200:43200 #nisplusLDAPentryTtl orgdir:21600:43200:43200 #nisplusLDAPentryTtl groupsdir:21600:43200:43200 #nisplusLDAPentryTtl admin:21600:43200:43200 # Standard NIS+ directories #nisplusLDAPobjectDN basedir:cn=basedir,ou=nisPlus,?base?#objectClass=nisplusObjectContainer:# cn=basedir,
ou=nisPlus,?base?# objectClass=nisplusObjectContainer,#
objectClass=top #nisplusLDAPobjectDN orgdir:cn=orgdir,ou=nisPlus,?base?#
objectClass=nisplusObjectContainer:# cn=orgdir,ou=nisPlus,
?base?# objectClass=nisplusObjectContainer,# objectClass=top #nisplusLDAPobjectDN #groupsdir:cn=groupsdir,ou=nisPlus,?base?#
objectClass=nisplusObjectContainer,# objectClass=top #nisplusLDAPobjectDN admin:cn=admin,ou=nisPlus,?base?#
objectClass=nisplusObjectContainer,# objectClass=top
Any entry containing _table needs to be commented out. Example (not all entries shown for brevity):
#nisplusLDAPdatabaseIdMapping passwd_table:passwd.org_dir #nisplusLDAPdatabaseIdMapping group_table:group.org_dir #nisplusLDAPdatabaseIdMapping auto_master_table:auto_master.org_dir . . . nisplusLDAPentryTtl passwd_table:21600:43200:43200 #nisplusLDAPentryTtl group_table:21600:43200:43200 #nisplusLDAPentryTtl auto_master_table:21600:43200:43200 . . . #nisplusLDAPobjectDN#passwd_table:cn=passwd,ou=nisPlus,?base?
objectClass=nisplusObjectContainer,# objectClass=top . . .
Make sure you remove the test data entries before performing the next step.
# pkill rpc.nisd # /usr/sbin/rpc.nisd -D \ -x nisplusLDAPinitialUpdateAction=to_ldap \ -x nisplusLDAPinitialUpdateOnly=yes
See the instructions in the next section that explain how to perform the verification.
# cd /var/nis # cp nlm NIS+LDAPmapping # /usr/sbin/rpc.nisd