- The Network Server Framework
- Remember to Read the Manual!
- Extra Files Needed for the Network Server Framework
- Setting Up Your CLASSPATH for the Network Server Framework
- Testing Your Setup
- Running the Derby Server Demo
- Running the Derby Client Demo
- So, What About the Derby Code?
- Conclusion
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Setting Up Your CLASSPATH for the Network Server Framework
The following files must be on your CLASSPATH:
Run the following command to make sure that class files in the current folder are picked up (after changing the directory to the Examples folder):
Next, add the above JAR files required for running the network server example. An easy way to do this is to run the following command for each of the JAR files above by just substituting the name of the file in turn:
set CLASSPATH=C:\java\db-derby-\lib\derby.jar;%CLASSPATH%
Then, run the command for the rest of the JAR files in the list. The only part of the above command that might differ on your system is the path element left of the lib word.