Maximizing IT Resource Utilization
The primary components of maximizing resource utilization are:
Resource Analysis Clarify who, where, when, and what is consuming resources
Consolidation Based on the outcome of resource analysis, allocate IT resources to maximize utilization and generate a spare pool of resources that can be used for future capacity
Ownership of IT resources Move ownership from the individual business units into the IT supply function (either a service provider or internal IT department); therefore managing overall capacity for the organization.
There are prerequisites for maximizing IT resource utilization. The most important prerequisite is persuading the business that the IT supply function is capable of accommodating this task. The IT supply function must be changed to not only provide technical support, but to also provide business and service support to maximize IT resource utilization. This task, discussed in the next section, can enable the IT supply function to be both technically and commercially astute. The IT employees must understand the business and service level requirements for supplying resource in addition to understanding the latest available technologies to satisfy service delivery.