- Objectives
- Prerequisites
- Introduction
- Enterprise Installation Services: Standard Installation Practices
- Hardware Configuration
- Solaris Configuration (clustadm)
- Install SUNWccon package on SC 3.0 Admin Workstation
- Patch Installation - Administration Workstation
- Configure Management Server for Administering Cluster Nodes
- Configure the Terminal Concentrator
- Configure Cluster Control Panel
- Configure Solaris OE (Each Cluster Node)
- Solaris OE —Post Installation and Configuration
- References
Section 1.4: Configure Management Server for Administering Cluster Nodes
Configure the clustadm workstation to administer each node in the SunPlex platform. Implement basic cluster management services, which can help ensure consistent, efficient cluster installations and operations.
Step 1.4.1
Verify the /etc/inet/hosts file is configured to support the SunPlex platform. Add the IP address for each Solaris install client (cluster node) to be serviced by JumpStart, as well as the additional host name entries required to support the SunPlex platform.
At this time, ensure that the corresponding entries are created in support of the SunPlex platform, including entries for each cluster node to be managed, the clustadm workstation, the terminal concentrator (tc), plus any additional site-specific entries, such as the logical host entry required for our HA-NFS data service.
root@clustadm# more /etc/inet/hosts ... {output omitted} xxx.xxx.xx.xxx clustadm loghost xxx.xxx.xx.xxx clustnode1 xxx.xxx.xx.xxx clustnode2 xxx.xxx.xx.xxx lh-hanfs xxx.xxx.xx.xxx tc
Step 1.4.2
Create the /etc/clusters file with an entry for this cluster, with the following format:
<Name of Cluster> <Node1 Name> <Node2 Name> ...
<Name of Cluster> = nhl
<Node1 Name> = clustnode1
<Node2 Name> = clustnode2
On the clustadm workstation, create the /etc/clusters file, configuring clustnode1 and clustnode2. Verify that the /etc/clusters file is correct:
root@clustadm# cat /etc/clusters nhl clustnode1 clustnode2
Step 1.4.3
Next, configure the /etc/serialports file on the clustadm workstation, enabling a connection to the terminal concentrator through the ttya (serial) port. Create the /etc/serialports file, as shown in the following code box.
At the clustadm workstation, verify /etc/serialports file is correct, as follows:
root@clustadm# cat /etc/serialports clustnode1 tc 5002 clustnode2 tc 5003
In this example, the terminal concentrator (tc) has 8 ports, numbered 1 8. The 5002 entry refers to the terminal concentrator physical port 2, and 5003 refers to physical port 3. The tc entry must correspond to the host name entry in /etc/inet/hosts.