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The most popular, best-selling book on credit scores – now fully updated to reflect the latest changes, new protections, and new risks to your credit!
Improve your credit score, for real, with the #1 best-selling guide you can trust! Today, a good credit score is essential for getting credit, getting a job, even getting car insurance or a cellphone. Now, best selling journalist Liz Pulliam Weston has thoroughly updated her top-selling guide to credit scores, with crucial new information for protecting (or rebuilding) yours.
Weston thoroughly covers brand-new laws and rules surrounding credit scoring — including some surprising good news and some frightening new risks. Don’t settle for an out-of-date guide to credit scoring, when Your Credit Score, Fifth Edition offers brand-new coverage of all this, and more:
Your Credit Score is for every consumer who is concerned about improving or protecting their credit — and it’s so up-to-date and useful, thousands of financial professionals use it, too!
Download the sample pages (includes Chapter 1 and Index)
1. Why Your Credit Score Matters
2. How Credit Scoring Works
3. FICO vs. FAKO--Competitors to the Leading Score
4. Improving Your Score--The Right Way
5. Credit Scoring Myths
6. Coping with a Credit Crisis
7. Rebuilding Your Score After a Credit Disaster
8. Identity Theft and Your Credit
9. Emergency! Fixing Your Credit Score Fast
10. Insurance and Your Credit Score
11. Employment and Your Credit
12. Keeping Your Score Healthy
The #1 best-selling guide to improving your credit score, now fully updated to cover important new consumer-friendly reforms, dangerous new risks, and what you can do NOW to build your score!