George Kleinman is President of Commodity Resource Corp., a futures advisory and trading firm that assists individual traders and corporate hedgers. His track record of success in the commodity futures business spans more than 30 years. When he left Merrill Lynch to start his own trading firm, he was a member of The Golden Circle, one of the firm’s Top 10 Commodity Brokers. From 1983 to 1995, his firm was located on the Minneapolis Grain Exchange’s trading floor, where he held multiple memberships and served on the Board of Directors. A member of the NY Mercantile Exchange for over a decade, he has lectured on commodities and futures trading at major conferences, and was cited in The Wall Street Journal, Futures, Investor’s Daily, and Fortune. His books include The New Commodity Trading Guide. Carley Garner is Senior Market Strategist and an experienced commodity broker with deCarley Trading. A columnist for Stocks & Commodities, her books include Currency Trading in the Forex and Futures Markets. She writes two widely distributed e-newsletters, The Financial Futures Report and The DeCarley Perspective. A regular “Real Money” contributor at, her work has been featured in Stocks & Commodities, Futures, Active Trader, Option Trader, Currency Trader, Your Trading Edge, Equities, and PitNews; and quoted in media including Investor’s Business Daily and The Wall Street Journal. She provides free trading education to investors at