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Advanced techniques for serious Windows CE programmers.
Get beyond user interface programming and discover the behind-the-scenes operating system facilities that will let you make the most of the new features in Windows CE 3.0. This hot technology lets you control Pocket PCs, handheld PCs, and the embedded devices in hundreds of commercial products. Learn the lean and mean techniques that keep your programs humming on portable devices with limited memory, and the key data storage methods that make them possible. Master the communications protocols that keep Windows CE devices in contact with desktop computers and the Internet. In addition:
This book is for serious developers with real programming experience. Besides familiarity with Windows CE devices and general Windows API programming, a basic knowledge of C and C++ is needed to understand the code samples.
About the SoftwareThe accompanying CD-ROM contains all the code examples from the book, as well as a fully searchable index of all the book's examples, programs, and tutorials. The CD-ROM also contains a complete working copy of eMbedded Visual C++ 3.0 and Pocket PC SDK.
Click here for a sample chapter for this book: 0130255920.pdf
1. Introduction.
About Microsoft Windows CE. Microsoft Pocket PC. Handheld PC. Palm Size PC. About This Book. About You. About MFC (Microsoft Foundation Classes) and ATL (ActiveX Template Libraries). eMbedded Visual C++ 3.0. Common Executable Format (CEF). Emulation Environments. The Code Samples. Unicode Text and Strings. Generic String and Character Data Types. String Constants. Calculating String Buffer Lengths. Standard String Library Functions. Converting Between ANSI and Unicode Strings. Error Checking. Exception Handling and Page Faults. Conclusion.
Overview. Opening and Reading from a File. Getting and Setting File Information. Getting the File Times. Getting File Size. Getting File Attributes. Getting All File Information. File Operations. File Reading and Writing. File Mapping. Conclusion.
Getting Object Store Free Space. Creating and Deleting Directories. Traversing Directory Trees. Compact Flash and Other Storage Devices. Auto-Run Applications on Compact Flash Cards. Enumerating Compact Flash Cards. WNet Functions. Enumerating Network Resources. Adding and Canceling Connections. Adding and Canceling Connections With Dialogs. Using Network Printers. Getting User Names. Listing Current Connections. Conclusion.
Database Volumes. Creating and Mounting Database Volumes. Unmounting a Volume. Flushing a Database Volume. Listing Mounted Database Volumes. Properties. Sort Orders. Creating a Property Database. Opening and Closing Property Databases. Deleting Property Databases. Writing Records. Reading Records. Using the CEVT_BLOB Property Data Type. Searching for Records. Deleting Properties and Records. Updating Database Records. Database notifications. Listing Database Information. Changing Database Attributes. Using MFC Classes with Property Databases. Opening and Creating Databases. Reading and Writing Records. Seeking to Records. Deleting Records and Properties. Serialization and BLOBs. Accessing the Registry. Adding and Updating Registry Keys and Values. Querying a Registry Value. Deleting a Registry Value. Deleting a Registry Key. Enumerating a Registry Key. Implementing a Record Counter using the Registry. Conclusion.
Creating a Process with CreateProcess. Process Kernel Object Handles and identifiers. Creating a Process with ShellExecuteEx. Waiting for a Process to Terminate. Process Exit Code. Listing Running Processes. Modules Used by a Process. Terminating a Process. Determining If a Previous Instance of a Process Is Running. Threads. User-Interface and Worker Threads. Accessing Global and Local Variables In Threads. Using Correct Thread Processing. Creating a Thread. Terminating a Thread and Thread Exit Codes. Thread States. Thread Scheduling. Thread Priorities. Enumerating Threads. Determine Thread Execution Times. Creating Threads with MFC. Conclusion.
The Need for Synchronization. Critical Sections. The Interlocked Functions. WaitForSingleObject and WaitForMultipleObjects. Using Mutex Objects. Using Event Objects. Using Semaphores. Selecting the Correct Synchronization Technique. Thread Local Storage and Dynamic Link Libraries. Conclusion.
Running an Application at a specified Time. Using Mini-Applications with notification. Starting an Application on an Event. Manually Controlling the LED. User notification. CeSetUserNotificationEx. Conclusion.
Overview of TCP/IP Communications. Programming the HTTP Protocol. Simple HTTP Requests. Initializing the Internet Function Library—InternetOpen. Making the HTTP Request—InternetOpenUrl. Retrieving the Data—InternetReadFile. Tidying Up—InternetCloseHandle. More Complex HTTP Requests Using a Session. Cracking the URL—InternetCrackUrl. Connecting to a Server—InternetConnect. Obtaining a Request Handle—HttpOpenRequest. Making the Request—HttpSendRequest. Using a Proxy Server. Connecting to Secure Sites. Authentication with InternetErrorDlg. Authentication with InternetSetOption. Sending Data to a Server. Sending Data with the URL. Posting Data to the Server. HTTP in Summary. Socket Programming. Socket Clients and Servers. Initializing the Winsock Library. Manipulating IP Addresses. Determining a Device's IP Address and Host Name. Implementing a Ping Function. Simple Socket Sample Application. The Socket Client Application. Integer Byte Ordering. The Socket Server Application. Lingering and Timeouts. Infrared Data Association (IrDA) Socket Communications. Enumerating IrDA Devices. Opening an IrDA Socket Port. Conclusion.
Basic Serial Communications. Opening and configuring a Serial Communications Port. Reading Data from the Communications Port. Closing a Communications Port. Writing to a Communications Port. Testing Communications. GPS and NMEA. The NMEA 0183 Standard. Connecting Windows CE and GPS Devices. Reading Data from a GPS Device. Infrared and Other Devices. Conclusion.
Initializing and Un-initializing RAPI. Handling Errors. A Simple RAPI Application—Creating a Process. Overview of RAPI Functions. File and Folder Manipulation. Property Database RAPI Functions. Registry RAPI Functions. System Information RAPI Functions. Miscellaneous RAPI Functions. Write Your Own RAPI Functions with CeRapiInvoke. A CeRapiInvoke Blocking Function. RAPI Stream Functions. Conclusion.
Introduction to Telephone API (TAPI). Line Initialization and Shutdown. Enumerating TAPI Devices. Negotiating TAPI Version. Getting Line Device Capabilities. Making a Call with TAPI. Opening a Line. Translating a Telephone Number. Making the Call. Line Callback Function. Shutting Down a Call. Communicating Through an Open Call. Obtaining a Communications Port Handle. Sending and Receiving Data. Remote Access Services (RAS). Listing RAS Phone Book Entries. Making a RAS Connection. Monitoring a RAS Connection. Dropping a RAS Connection. Testing for an Existing RAS Connection. Conclusion.
The Virtual Address Space. Allocating Memory for Data Storage. Obtaining System Processor and Memory Information. Obtaining the Current Memory Status. Application Memory Allocation. Global and Static Memory Allocation. Heap-Based Allocation. Stack-Based Allocation. Creating Your Own Heaps. Using Heaps with C++ Classes. Handling Low-Memory Situations. Responding to a WM_CLOSE Message. Responding to a WM_HIBERNATE Message. Conclusion.
Operating System Version Information. The SystemParametersInfo Function. Power Management. Power Management States. Changing from On to Idle State. Changing from Idle to Suspend State. Monitoring Battery Status. Powering Off a Device. Conclusion.
Introduction to the Component Object Model (COM). COM Components. COM Interfaces. The IUnknown Interface. Globally Unique identifiers (GUIDs). Programmatic identifiers (ProgIDs). COM Components and the Registry. The HRESULT Data Type and Handling Errors. Interface Definition Language and Type Library Information. POOM—The Pocket office Object Model. Using COM Components. Initializing and Uninitializing COM. Creating a COM Object. Calling COM Functions. The BSTR Data Type. Releasing COM Interfaces. Finding a Contact's Email Address. Calling QueryInterface. Adding a Contact. Using Smart Pointers. Creating a Recurring Appointment. ActiveX and Automation. _bstr_t and _variant_t Classes. Automation DispInterfaces. The IDispatch Interface. Obtaining an IDispatch Interface Pointer. Obtaining Dispatch identifiers. The VARIANT Data Type. Using an Automation Property. Calling Automation Methods. Using Automation Objects with MFC. Creating a COleDispatchDriver-Derived Class. Using the IPOutlookApp Class. Conclusion.
Overview of Microsoft Message Queue. Installation. Installing MSMQ on Windows CE. Installing MSMQ on Windows 2000. Managing DNS Entries. IP Network, RAS, and ActiveSync. Managing Queues on Windows 2000. Creating a Private Queue. Reading Messages from a Queue in Windows 2000. Sending Messages from Windows CE. Creating a New Queue. Reading Messages from a Queue. Reading Other Message Properties. Peeking Messages and Cursors. Callback Function and Asynchronous Message Reading. Message Timeouts, Acknowledgements, and Administration Queues. Message Transactions. Conclusion.
Installing SQL Server for Windows CE. ADOCE and ADOXCE. Using Smart Pointers with ADOCE. Using _bstr_t and _variant_t Classes. Creating a Catalog (Database). Opening a Database (Catalog). Creating a Table. Enumerating Tables in a Catalog. Dropping a Table. Adding Records to a Table. Retrieving Records from a Table. Connection Object. Deleting Records. SQL Data Definition Language (DDL). Using CREATE TABLE. Using DROP TABLE. Using Identities and Primary Keys. Indexes. INSERT Statement. Error Handling. Transactions. Conclusion.
ActiveSync Items, Folders, and Store. Item. Folder. Store. Steps to Implement Device Synchronization. Steps to Implement Desktop Synchronization. Additional Steps for Continuous Synchronization. The Sample Application. Installation and Registration. Data Organization. Important Note. Implementing the Windows CE Device Provider. InitObjType Exported Function. ObjectNotify Exported Function. GetObjTypeInfo Exported Function. Implementing the Device IReplObjHandler COM Interface. Serialization Format. IReplObjHandler::Setup. IReplObjHandler::Reset. IReplObjHandler::GetPacket. IReplObjHandler::SetPacket. IReplObjHandler::DeleteObj. Implementing the Desktop Provider. Representing HREPLITEM and HREPLFLD. Storing Data on the Desktop. Implementing IReplStore. IReplStore Initialization. Store Information and Manipulation. Folder Information and Manipulation. Iterate Items in a Folder. Manipulating HREPLITEM and HREPLFLD Objects. HREPLITEM Synchronization. Implementing the Desktop IReplObjHandler COM Interface. IReplObjHandler:: Setup. IReplObjHandler:: Reset. IReplObjHandler::GetPacket. IReplObjHandler::SetPacket. IReplObjHandler::DeleteObj. Conclusion.
This book, in concept and design, grew out of the book Win32 System Services, written by Marshall Brain (1995, Prentice Hall PTR). There are many similarities between Win32 programming on Windows NT/98/2000 and Windows CE programming, such as file I/O, processes, and threads. There are many differences, tooWindows CE uses a smaller API (Application Programming Interface) and has fewer security functions and no services. Also, each type of programming emphasizes different issues. Windows CE devices, such as Pocket PC, need to communicate using a wide variety of techniques. These devices also must store data locally so that users can manipulate data when not connected to enterprise networks. This data (or more specifically, changes to this data) then has to be communicated back to the databases located on enterprise servers. The importance of this process is reflected in this book's content, and draws on my experiences in writing enterprise solutions using Windows CE.
Like Brain's original book, this book, for three main reasons, does not cover user interface programming. First, Windows CE user interface programming is very similar to Win32, albeit with some differences in the shell and the form factor (the size of the screen). Second, many embedded devices using Windows CE do not have a display, making user interface development irrelevant to a significant number of programmers. Third, in more and more cases Pocket Internet Explorer is used to present the user interface, with some amount of Windows CE code to allow disconnected access to data.
I hope this book helps you to overcome the challenges in writing applications for mobile, wireless, and embedded devices using Windows CE, and to gain from the tremendous opportunities in this area.