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David Watts

Will Willis (MCSE, A+ Certified Technician, Network+, B.A.) is a senior

network administrator for an international software-development company in

the Dallas/Ft. Worth, Texas area. He shares responsibility for the network and

server infrastructure with other members of the network administration team,

primarily focusing on Microsoft technologies such as Active Directory and

Exchange 2003. He also shares responsibility for server monitoring, documentation,

maintaining disaster recovery preparedness, antivirus strategies, firewalls/

network security, planning and maintaining the infrastructure (servers, routers,

switches, hubs), and ensuring the reliability and availability of network resources

for the global network.

Will began as a help desk tech, providing technical support over the phone for

PC hardware and software and later moved to a desktop/LAN support specialist

position working on a team of eight to support a 3,000+ user multiple-site

network. From that position, Will moved into a job as a network manager,

where he also administered multiple Active Directory domains and servers running

BackOffice applications Exchange Server, IIS, Site Server, SQL Server, and

SMS. He enjoys spending time with his family and writing and recording original

music when not busy being a techie and being active in church, including

teaching Sunday School. Will has co-authored numerous books and scores of

technical articles. He has also written practice exams and tech-edited many

titles. His first album of guitar-based instrumental music, Darkness into Light,

was released in 2002. Will is also a seminary student, finishing a Master of Arts

degree in Theology in the fall of 2006. More information on Will can be found

at www.willwillis.us.
