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Visual InterDev 6 Unleashed

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Visual InterDev 6 Unleashed


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  • Copyright 1999
  • Dimensions: 7.375 X 9.125
  • Pages: 1120
  • Edition: 1st
  • Book
  • ISBN-10: 0-672-31262-X
  • ISBN-13: 978-0-672-31262-5

Using Visual InterDev 6 Unleashed, the reader will learn to take their Visual InterDev development to the next level. The book is designed so it can either be read a chapter at a time or from front to back. Each chapter will present a topic along with tips, cautions, and other notes. Additionally each chapter will contain coding examples that the reader can adapt to their own Visual InterDev projects. The topics will include the following: Part I: Programming with Visual InterDev- Writing cross-browser compatible Web applications, DHTML, OOP w/ HTML, Cascading Style Sheets, data binding, debugging, Scriptlets, and more; Part II: Building Dynamic Web Applications- Universal Data Access, ODBC access, ADO programming, data connections, using the Query designer, stored procedures, security, and more; Part III: Integrating Visual InterDev- Building ASP components, writing IIS applications, creating Visual Basic front-ends, MTS, CDO, using Index Server, workign with e-commerce; Part IV: Server Administration- IIS performance tuning, ASP performance tuning, deployment, team development, site security, and more.

Sample Content

Table of Contents


1. Creating Crossbrowser Web Applications.

Introduction: What Ever Happened to Standards? Determining the User's Browser. Advanced Browser Detection. Summary.

2. Using Dynamic HTML.

What Is Dynamic HTML? Writing CrossBrowser DHTML. Scripting the Document Object Model. Dynamic Styles. X and Y Positioning. Z Positioning. Animation with DHTML. About Filters and Transitions. Manipulating Text. Using TextRange. Data Binding. A DHTML Case Study: An Interactive Quiz. Summary.

3. Programming The Scripting Object Model.

Introducing the Visual InterDev 6 Scripting Object Model. Scripting and the Scripting Object Model. Starting the SOM. Script Objects as Starting Points. Navigating from One Page to Another Page, Using Script. Passing Values Among Pages. Scripting and Events. Changing the Appearance of Script Objects. Hiding, Showing, and Disabling Objects. Custom Queries and Interactivity. Scripting with Script Objects Versus Regular HTML. Summary.

4. Creating Web Sites With Style.

Separating Form from Function. Using Style Sheets in Your Web Applications. Using the Visual InterDev CSS Editor. Handling CrossBrowser Incompatibilities. A CSS Case Study. Summary.

5. Debugging Web Applications.

Introduction and Background. Debugging Setup. Debugging Environment Basics. A Sample Debugging Case Study. Summary.

6. Team Development.

Local Mode Versus Master Mode Development. Managing Development Teams. Working in Mixed Environments. Introducing Visual SourceSafe. Using SourceSafe and Visual InterDev. Administering Visual SourceSafe. A Team Development Case Study. Summary.

7. Deploying Web Applications.

Deploying Web Applications to the Web. The Deployment Methods. Working with Non-Microsoft Web Servers. Deployment Issues. A Web Application Deployment Case Study. Summary.

8. Visual InterDev Security.

A Web Site Security Overview. Visual InterDev-Specific Security Issues. Security Programming Issues. Access Level and Navigation. Digital Certificates. Programming with Digital Certificates. The Security Plan. Summary.

9. Creating A Secure Application.

Introduction—The Electronic Time Card Application Overview. The Code. Applying Security. Summary.


10. Working With Databases: Universal Data Access.

An Introduction to Microsoft's Universal Data Access Strategy. Connecting to Data. Working with SQL Server. A Transact SQL Overview. Summary.

11. Using The Visual Database Tools.

An Introduction to the Visual Database Tools. Using Database Projects. Managing Remote Databases with Visual InterDev. Creating Tables. Editing Database Objects. Working with Other Database Objects. A Case Study: Managing the WUGNET Databases with Visual InterDev. Summary.

12. Activex Data Objects 2.0.

Accessing Databases Programmatically. An Introduction to ADO 2.x. Using the ADO Objects. Creating Persistent Recordsets. Using Remote Data Service. Summary. A Case Study: The WinInfo Newsletter on the WUGNET Web Site.

13. Programming The Visual Interdev Data Environment.

An Introduction to the Data Environment (DE). Connecting to a Database with the Data Environment. Programming the DE Object Model. Working with Data Environment Collections. Stored Procedures and the Data Environment. Summary.

14. Using Data-bound Controls.

Design-Time Controls and the New Data Environment. Using the Recordset Control. Troubleshooting Recordset DTCs. Using the Grid Control. Using the RecordsetNavBar Control with Other Controls. Other Data-Bound Design-Time ActiveX Controls. Other Design-Time Controls Included with Visual InterDev 6. Summary.

15. Displaying Data In A Web Application.

Choosing a Data Access Provider. Choosing a Data Retrieval Method—ActiveX Data Objects Versus the Data Environment Object Model. Straight Code Versus DTCs and ActiveX Controls. Server-Side Versus Client-Side Data Binding. Presentation Issues: Embedding Data Within HTML. Accessing Databases Directly. Using SQL Server Stored Procedures. Summary.

16. Creating Personalized Web Applications.

Maintaining State with Cookies. Programming Cookies with Client-Side Scripting. Programming Cookies with ASP. Using Session-Level and Application-Level Variables for Personalization. Using a Database to Store Personalization Options. No Cookies! How to Handle the Overcautious User. Summary.

17. Modifying Web Application Data From The Web.

Providing Customers with a Web Front End to Their Data. Managing a Database from the Web. Security Issues. Creating the Front End. Adding New Data. Modifying Existing Data. Deleting Data. Adding Search Capabilities. Summary.


18. Building Web Application Components With Visual Basic.

Reasons to Build Your Own Components. Using Visual Basic to Develop ASP Controls. Riding the Component Development Merry-Go-Round. Accessing Databases in a Component. Registering Components on a Remote Web Server. Using Microsoft Transaction Server. Looking at Visual C++ and Visual J++ for Control Creation. Summary.

19. Programming Microsoft Transaction Server.

The Microsoft Transaction Server and Related Concepts. The MTS Runtime Environment. Programming with MTS. The MTS Development Environment. An MTS Case Study. The Future of MTS. Additional MTS-Related Resources. Summary.

20. Sending Email With Collaboration Data Objects.

Using the IIS SMTP Component. Introducing Collaboration Data Objects for NT Server (CDONTS). Creating Web Forms for Email. Viewing Email from an ASP Page. Sending Mail from a Web Application with CDONTS and ASP. Integrating the SMTP Component with Exchange Server. A Case Study: The WinInfo Subscription Form. Summary.

21. Programming Index Server.

Searching Static Content on a Web Site. Introducing Microsoft Index Server. Building HTML Search Forms for Index Server. Programming Index Server with ASP. Searching Dynamic Web Applications. An Index Server Case Study.


22. Building A User Registration Web Site.

Introducing the User Registration Web Site. Building the User Database. Creating the Login Page. Creating the Registration Form. Creating the Welcome Page. Future Paths. Summary.

23. Creating An Online Catalog.

Introduction—The Monster Modem Company. Creating Your Visual InterDev Project. Designing the Database. Creating the Site Diagram. Implementing the Catalog Tools. Implementing the User Interface. Summary.

24. Implementing E-commerce.

Introduction—Selling Monster Modems Online. Setting Up the Environment. Implementing the Shopping Cart. Implementing a Simple Checkout. Other E-Commerce Features. Summary.


A. HTML 4.0 Reference.

HTML Functionality. Browsers and Platforms. HTML 4.0 Philosophy and Practice. Structural (Housekeeping) Elements. Block-level Elements. Text-level Elements. Common Attributes and Intrinsic Events.

B. JavaScript 1.2 Language Reference.

How This Reference Is Organized. A Note About JavaScript 1.2. The anchor Object [C|2|3|4|I]. The applet Object [C|3]. The area Object [C|3]. The array Object [C|3|I]. The button Object [C|2|3|I]. The checkbox Object [c|2|3|I]. The combo Object [C|I]. The date Object [C|2|3|I]. The document Object [C|2|3|I]. The fileUpload Object [C|3]. The form Object [C|2|3|I]. The frame Object [C|2|3|I]. The function Object [C|3]. The hidden Object [C|2|3|I]. The history Object [C|2|3|I]. The image Object [C|3]. The layer Object [4]. The link Object [C|2|3|I]. The location Object [C|2|3|I]. The math Object [C|2|3|I]. The mimeType Object [C|3]. The navigator Object [C|2|3|I]. The option Object [C|3]. The password Object [C|2|3|I]. The plugin Object. The radio Object [C|2|3|I]. The regExp Object. The Regular Expression Object. The reset Object [C|2|3|I]. The screen Object (New in JavaScript 1.2). The select Object [C|2|3]. The string Object [C|2|3|I]. The submit Object [C|2|3|I]. The text Object [C|2|3|I]. The textarea Object [C|2|3|I]. The window Object [C|2|3|I]. Independent Functions, Operators, Variables, and Literals.

C. VBScript 2.0 Reference.

Scripting Active Server Pages. Operators. Statements and Conditional Statements. Intrinsic Functions. Constants. VBScript Objects. VBScript Object Methods. VBScript Object Properties.

D. Active Server Pages Object Reference.

Controlling the Application Object. Controlling the Server Object. Using Server Encoding Techniques. The ObjectContext Object: Interacting with the Transaction Server. Trapping the ObjectContext's Events. Communicating with Web Client: The Response Object. Sending Output to the Browser: The Response Methods. Retrieving Information Using the Request Object. Managing the Session Object.

E. Activex Data Objects Reference.

Command Object. Connection Object. Errors Collection, Error Object. Fields Collection, Field Object. Parameters Collection, Parameter Object. Properties Collection, Property Object. Recordset Object.

F. Transact-SQL Quick Reference.

New in SQL Server 7.0. Creating Database Objects. Tables. Column Properties. Renaming Objects. Adding Columns to a Table. Temporary Tables. SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE. SQL Server Functions. Programming Constructs. Cursors.

G. Scripting Object Model Reference.

Objects in the Scripting Object Model. Properties of the Scripting Object Model. Methods of the Scripting Object Model. Events of the Scripting Object Model.



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