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Combines the theory and practical - with simulation tools for the understanding and design of Ultra Wide Band (UWB) communication networks.
UWB devices can be used for a variety of communications applications involving the transmission of very high data rates over short distances without suffering the effects of multi-path interference. UWB communication devices could be used to wirelessly distribute services such as phone, cable, and computer networking throughout a building or home. These devices could also be utilized by police, fire, and rescue personnel to provide covert, secure communications devices. The book presents the theoretical analysis of fundamental principles of Ultra Wide Band (UWB) radio communications supported by practical examples developed using computer simulation. The simulation codes are provided in the form of user-customizable MATLAB) functions which are included in the book. The examples are inserted within the theoretical treatise in order to help and guide the reader in the understanding of analytical principles. The book covers issues related to both UWB signal transmission and UWB network organization. In particular, the topics covered by the book are: principles of UWB radio transmission and modulation (PPM, PAM and DS-UWB for Impulse Radio, OFDM for the multi-band approach), UWB channel modeling, receiver structures, Multi User Interference modeling, Localization, Network organization: advanced Medium Access Control and routing design strategies.
Source Code and Use of Matlab
Download this file for all the MATLAB functions introduced within the checkpoints. These functions are provided in the form of MATLAB m-files. The m-files are organized in separate directories corresponding to the checkpoints of the book. To use the functions with MATLAB, the reader must copy the m-files to a directory of the hard disk of a local computer. This directory with all its possible sub-folders must be then added to the "Search Path" of MATLAB (see MATLAB Help for information about this procedure). All m-files have been tested using versin 6 of MATLAB.
Organization of the Book.
Audience and Course Use.
Web Site and Use of MATLAB.
1. Ultra Wide Band Radio Definition.
Fractional Bandwidth.
UWB vs. Non-UWB.
Further Reading.
Appendix 1.A.
2. The UWB Radio Signal.
Generation of TH-UWB Signals.
Generation of DS-UWB Signals.
Generation of Multi-Band UWB Signals.
Further Reading.
Appendix 2.A.
3. The PSD of TH-UWB Signals.
Borrowing from PPM.
The PPM-TH-UWB Case.
Further Reading.
Appendix 3.A.
4. The PSD of DS-UWB Signals.
The Case of PAM-TH-UWB.
Further Reading.
Appendix 4.A.
5. The PSD of MB-UWB Signals.
Spectral Characteristics of OFDM Signals.
The MB IEEE 802.15.TG3a Proposal.
Further Reading.
6. Performance Analysis for the UWB Radio Link.
Power Limits and Emission Masks.
Link Budget.
Further Reading.
Appendix 6.A.
Appendix 6.B.
7. The Pulse Shaper.
The Pulse.
Pulse Width Variation and Pulse Differentiation.
Meeting the Emission Masks.
Further Reading.
Appendix 7.A.
8. The UWB Channel and Receiver.
Multi-Path-Free AWGN Channel.
Propagation over a Multi-Path-Affected UWB Radio Channel.
Synchronization Issues in IR-UWB Communications.
Further Reading.
Appendix 8.A.
9. Multi-User UWB Wireless Communications.
Multiple Access and Multi-User Interference.
Multi-User IR-UWB System Performance Based on the SGA.
Multi-User Interference Modeling Based on Packet Collision.
Further Reading.
Appendix 9.A.
10. UWB Ranging and Positioning.
Ranging vs. Positioning.
Positioning Protocols.
An Application: A MAgiC World.
Further Reading.
Appendix 10.A.
11. UWB Networks: Principled Design of MAC.
MAC: General Principles.
MAC Functions.
MAC with QoS Management.
An Example of an UWB-Tailored MAC Algorithm: (UWB)2.
Further Reading.
Current Trends in UWB Standardization Activities.
List of MATLAB Functions.
List of Acronyms.
For The Curious Reader.