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7+ hours of video instruction.
The professional programmer's Deitel® video guide to iApple's new Swift™ programming language and the Xcode 6 IDE.
Featuring 7+ hours of video instruction, this is the professional programmer’s guide to using the Swift™ programming language and the Xcode 6 IDE. Learn core concepts through the Deitel signature live-code approach which presents concepts in the context of complete working Swift programs. Perfect for Objective-C programmers already building iOS apps, as well as Java, C++ and C# programmers who are new to iOS and OS X development. Includes lessons on: classes, objects, methods and functions; enums and tuples; arrays and closures; and more.
NOTE this LiveLesson is one in a series of two:
Skill Level
What you Will Learn
Begin by learning how to register for Apple's developer program, and download and install the Xcode 6 Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Next comes a thorough introduction to writing simple Swift programs using strings, arithmetic operators, and the if conditional statement. Then move on to the Deitel's classic introduction to classes, objects, methods and functions, followed by Swift's control statements, assignment and logical operators. Next, functions and methods are presented in more depth, including an an introduction to enumerations and tuples. The LiveLesson ends with the Deitel's classic presentation of Arrays that also demonstrates the power of Swift’s functional programming capabilities, using closures and optionals, and the filter, map and reduce functions. Readers who want an introduction to iOS 8 app development in Swift, may want to consider Paul Deitel’s iOS 8 App Development Fundamentals LiveLessons.
Who should take this course?
Course requirements
Familiarity with any C-based, object-oriented programming language, such as Objective-C, Java, C++ or C#.
Table of Contents
BeforeYouBegin: Setting Up Your Development Environment
Lesson 1: Introduction
Lesson Introducion
Swift Introduction
Creating Swift Apps with Xcode 6: Creating a Playground
Creating Swift Apps with Xcode 6: Creating a Project
Lesson 2: Introduction to Swift Programming
Lesson Introduction
A First Swift Program: Printing a Line of Text
Displaying a Single Line of Text with Multiple Statements
Displaying Multiple Lines of Text with a Single Statement
Composing Larger Strings with String Interpolation--Introducing constants, variables, type inference, type annotations, built-in types, initialization and Identifier naming
Addition program--Introducing the arithmetic operators and overflow checking
The if Conditional Statement and the Comparative Operators
Lesson 3: Introduction to Classes, Objects, Methods and Functions
Lesson Introduction
Account Class: Defining a Class
Account Class: Defining a Class
Account Class: Defining a Class Attribute as a Stored Property
Account Class: Defining a public Stored Property with a private Setter
Account Class: Initializing a Class's Properties with init
Account Class: Defining a Class's Behaviors as Methods
Creating and Using Account Objects: Importing the Foundation Framework
Creating and Using Account Objects: Creating and Configuring an NSNumberFormatter to Format Currency Values
Creating and Using Account Objects: Defining a Function--formatAccountString
Creating and Using Account Objects: Creating Objects and Calling an Initializer
Creating and Using Account Objects: Calling Methods on Objects--Depositing into Account Objects
Creating and Using Account Objects: Calling Methods on Objects--Withdrawing from Account Objects
Value Types vs. Reference Types
Software Engineering with Access Modifiers
Lesson 4: Control Statements; Assignment, Increment and Logical Operators
Lesson Introduction
if and if…else Conditional Statements and the Ternary Conditional Operator (?:)
Compound Assignment Operators
Increment and Decrement Operators
switch Conditional Statement
while Loop Statement and an Introduction to the Xcode playground timeline
do…while Loop Statement
for…in Loop Statement and the Range Operators: Iterating over Collections of Values with Closed Ranges, Half-Open Ranges and the Global stride Function
for…in Loop Statement and the Range Operators: Compound-Interest Calculations with for…in
for Loop Statement
break Statement
continue Statement
Logical Operators
Lesson 5: Functions and Methods: A Deeper Look; enums and Tuples
Lesson Introduction
Multiple-Parameter Function Definition
Random-Number Generation: Rolling a Six-Sided Die 20 Times
Introducing Enumerations and Tuples: Dice Game Example
Introducing Enumerations and Tuples: Introducing Enumeration (enum) Types
Introducing Enumerations and Tuples: Tuples and Multiple Function Return Types
Introducing Enumerations and Tuples: Tuples as Function Arguments
Scope of Declarations
Function and Method Overloading
External Parameter Names
Default Parameter Values
Passing Arguments by Value or by Reference
Nested Functions
Lesson 6: Arrays and an Introduction to Closures
Lesson Introduction
Array overview
Creating and Initializing Arrays
Iterating Through Arrays
Adding and Removing Array Elements
Subscript Expressions with Ranges--Slicing an Array
Closures and Closure Expressions
Array Methods sort and sorted
Array Methods filter, map and reduce--Introduction to Internal Iteration
Filtering an Array
Mapping an Array's Elements to New Values
Reducing an Array's Elements to a Single Value
Combining Filtering, Mapping and Reducing
Card Shuffling and Dealing Simulation--Class Card and an Introduction to Computed Properties
Card Shuffling and Dealing Simulation--Class DeckOfCards, Reference-Type Arrays and an Introduction to Optionals
Card Shuffling and Dealing Simulation--Shuffling and Dealing Cards, and Unwrapping
Optional Values with Optional Binding and the if Statement
Passing Arrays to Functions by value and by reference
Multidimensional Arrays
Variadic parameters
LiveLessons Video Training series publishes hundreds of hands-on, expert-led video tutorials covering a wide selection of technology topics designed to teach you the skills you need to succeed. This professional and personal technology video series features world-leading author instructors published by your trusted technology brands: Addison-Wesley, Cisco Press, IBM Press, Pearson IT Certification, Prentice Hall, Sams, and Que. Topics include: IT Certification, Programming, Web Development, Mobile Development, Home & Office Technologies, Business & Management, and more. View All LiveLessons on InformIT:
Video: Swift Programming Fundamentals: Setting up Your Development Environment