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Signal Integrity Issues and Printed Circuit Board DesignDouglas Brooks
The definitive high-speed design resource for every PCB designer
In this book, renowned engineer,author, and seminar leader Douglas Brooks teaches PCB designers how tosuccessfully design boards for any high-speed application. Brooks begins withan easy-to-understand electronics primer for every PCB designer, then offerspractical, real-world solutions for every important signal-integrity problem.Based on his legendary seminars, this book offers even more design rules,specific recommendations, examples, illustrations, and diagrams.
Coverage includes—
Two full chapters of simulationillustrations—ideal for thosewithout access to high-speed simulation tools
Professional Technical Reference
Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458
ISBN: 0-13-141884-X
UPC: 076092024743
Part 1: Basic Concepts
Chapter 1. Electronic Concepts
Chapter 2. Propagation Times
Chapter 3. Electrical Components
Chapter 4. Voltage and Current Changes and Time Constants
Chapter 5. Resistance
Chapter 6. Reactance
Chapter 7. Impedance and Phase Shift
Part 2: Signal Integrity Issues
Chapter 8. Signal Integrity Overview
Chapter 9. Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)
Chapter 10. Reflections and Transmission Lines
Chapter 11. Some Transmission Line Simulations
Chapter 12. Crosstalk
Chapter 13. Crosstalk Simulations
Chapter 14. Differential Traces and Impedance
Chapter 15. Bypass Caps and Decoupling Systems
Chapter 16. Power Systems
Chapter 17. Lossy Lines and Eye Diagrams
Part 3: Appendices, Glossary, and IndexAppendix A. UltraCAD’s Square Wave Simulator
Appendix B. Why Inductors Induct
Appendix C. Logarithms
Appendix D. Phase Shift Simulation
Appendix E. Complex Algebra
Appendix F. Transmission Line Simulator
Appendix G. Echo Illustration
Appendix H. UltraCad Freeware Calculators
Appendix I. TDRs and VNAs
Appendix J. Right Angle Corners
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