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The complete guide to requirements analysis for every system analyst and project team member.
Thousands of software projects are doomed from the start because they're based on a faulty understanding of the business problem that must be solved. The solution is effective requirements analysis. In Requirements Analysis: From Business Views to Architecture, David C. Hay gives you a comprehensive overview of the world's best requirements analysis practices, organized coherently to help you choose and execute the best approach for every project. In addition, he guides you through the process of defining an architecture–from gaining a full understanding of what business people need to the creation of a complete enterprise architecture.
Practical solutions will help you:
Requirements Analysis: From Business Views to Architecture provides the complete process of defining an architecture–so that you can build a rock-solid foundation for your next software project.
1. A Framework for Architecture.
The Zachman Framework. The Architecture Framework. The Analysis Process. Implications.
2. Managing Projects.
Introduction. Summary of Development Phases. About Strategy. About Requirements Analysis. Process One: Define Scope. Process Two: Plan the Process. Process Three: Gather Information. Process Four: Describe the Enterprise. Process Five: Define What Is Required of a New System. Process Six: Determine the Existing Systems Environment. Process Seven: Plan for Transition. Summary.
3. Column One: Data.
Views of Data. A Brief History of Data Architecture. Advanced Data Management–Meta-data. Graphics–Data Modeling. Using Entity/Relationship and Object Models. Normalization. Data Modeling Conventions. Entity/Relationship Model Validation. The Requirements Analysis Deliverable–Column One. Data and the Other Columns. Conclusion.
4. Column Two: Activities.
From the Business Owners' View to the Architect's View. Approach. Function Hierarchies. Dependency Diagrams. Data Flow Diagrams. IDEF0. The UML Activity Diagram. Interaction Diagrams. Use Cases. A Word About Business Process Re-engineering. Detailed Function and Process Documentation. Implications of Analyzing Activities. The Requirements Analysis Deliverable–Column Two. Activities and the Other Columns.
5. Column Four: People and Organizations.
How to Organize the Enterprise (Row One). Row Two: The Business Owner's View. Row Three: The Nature of a (Human) System. Implications of This Model. System Use. Requirements Analysis Deliverable–Column Four. People, Organizations, and the Other Columns.
6. Column Three: Locations.
Row Two–Geography. Row Three–Network (and the Other Columns). The Requirements Analysis Deliverable–Column Three.
7. Column Five: Timing.
Introduction. Row One: Scope. Row Two: The Business Owner's View. Row Three: The Architect's View. The Requirements Analysis Deliverable–Column Five. Timing and the Other Columns. Conclusion.
8. Column Six: Motivation.
Introduction. Row One: Scope. Row Two: Business Owners' Views. Row Three: Architect's View. Requirements Analysis Deliverable–Column Six. Motivation and the Other Columns. Conclusion.
Appendix A. The Zachman Framework.
Appendix B. A Comparison of Data Modeling Techniques.
Appendix C. The Business Rules Group Motivation Model.
Appendix D. The Business Rules Group and David C. Hay Modified Motivation Model.