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6+ Hours of Video Instruction
Learn to write performant back-end applications in JavaScript by leveraging the Node.js runtime. Shaun Wassell teaches JavaScript developers how to write and run server-side JavaScript applications for the powerful Node.js runtime. It includes topics such as working with the file system, creating web servers, installing, using, and publishing NPM packages, Google V8 engine, testing, and much more.
Several years ago, it wasn't possible to write JavaScript programs for the back-end. JavaScript was strictly limited to running in a browser, and if a developer wanted to write back-end software, they had little choice but to learn another programming language, such as PHP. Now, that has all changed. Thanks to Node.js, which allows JavaScript to be run outside the browser, JavaScript developers can write web-servers, server-side scripts, and any number of other useful back-end programs.
This LiveLessons video shows developers how to write and run server-side JavaScript applications for the powerful Node.js runtime.
Skill Level
Lesson 1: Create Your First Node.js Project
Learning Objectives
1.1 Install Node.js and NPM
1.2 Write and run Node scripts
1.3 Manage Node versions with the Node Version Manager (NVM)
Lesson 2: Node.js Basics
Learning Objectives
2.1 Learn about the package.json file
2.2 Create script shortcuts in the package.json file
2.3 Run Node scripts with arguments
2.4 Work with Node.js modules
2.5 Use Babel to write modern JavaScript
Lesson 3: Read and Write Files
Learning Objectives
3.1 Understand the fs' package
3.2 Read and write files synchronously
3.3 Read and write files asynchronously with callbacks
3.4 Read and write files asynchronously with promises
Lesson 4: Create Web Servers
Learning Objectives
4.1 Create a web server without frameworks
4.2 Use Express.js to create a web server
4.3 Use Koa.js to create a web server
4.4 Use Hapi to create a web server
Lesson 5: Write Programs That Interface with Databases
Learning Objectives
5.1 Use MongoDB with Node.js
5.2 Use SQL databases with Node.js
Lesson 6: Work with Web Sockets
Learning Objectives
6.1 Learn the basics of web sockets
6.2 Create web sockets
6.3 Sending messages via web sockets
6.4 Subscribing to web socket events
Lesson 7: Create and Publish an NPM Package
Learning Objectives
7.1 Learn the structure of an NPM package
7.2 Create an NPM package
7.3 Publish a package on NPM
Lesson 8: Host Node.js Applications
Learning Objectives
8.1 Prepare Node.js applications for production
8.2 Host a Node.js app on Heroku
Lesson 9: Test Node.js Programs
Learning Objectives
9.1 Learn about the available testing tools
9.2 Write unit tests with Mocha and Chai
9.3 Test server endpoints with Supertest
9.4 Create test scripts
9.5 Run test scripts automatically
9.6 Ensure and display test coverage