- Copyright 2025
- Edition: 2nd
Online Video
- ISBN-10: 0-13-539734-0
- ISBN-13: 978-0-13-539734-3
Master JavaScript with advanced concepts and usage that are covered in technical interviews.
Learn JavaScript, 2nd Edition, will take you on a step-by-step guide that will take you from the basic syntax and concepts of JavaScript, all the way through the more advanced concepts and usage that are covered in technical interviews. This new edition course includes the latest advancements in generative AI, offering invaluable insights and tools for developers.
JavaScript started as a basic language for performing simple computations on web pages, but its now become one of the most popular programming languages. It is a tremendously powerful programming language that can be used for any kind of web development, but also for many other types of development, such as data science, mobile app dev, desktop app dev, and much more. It is a clean, readable programming language that is used everywhere and gaining proficiency in JavaScript makes any developer much more valuable to prospective employers these days.
Skill Level:
- Beginning to Intermediate
Learn How To:
- Understand and implement modern JavaScript from the ground up
- Build a basic server using JavaScript and Node.js
- Master the best-practices of modern JavaScript
- Write high-quality, readable code
- Skillfully answer technical interview questions
- Use Generative AI tools in JavaScript
Course requirement:
- Pre-requisite: Basic understanding of programming
Who Should Take This Course:
Job titles:
- Web developer, junior software developer
- Software engineer
- Full-stack developers
- Front-end developers
About Pearson Video Training
Pearson publishes expert-led video tutorials covering a wide selection of technology topics designed to teach you the skills you need to succeed. These professional and personal technology videos feature world-leading author instructors published by your trusted technology brands: Addison-Wesley, Cisco Press, Pearson IT Certification, Prentice Hall, Sams, and Que. Topics include IT Certification, Network Security, Cisco Technology, Programming, Web Development, Mobile Development, and more. Learn more about Pearson Video training at http://www.informit.com/video.
Video Lessons are available for download for offline viewing within the streaming format. Look for the green arrow in each lesson.
Table of Contents
Lesson 1: What Is JavaScript?
1.1 Learn what you can do with JavaScript
1.2 Look at JavaScripts language features
1.3 Learn the pros and cons of JavaScript
1.4 Learn the JavaScript dialects and browser compatibility
1.5 Run code using a REPL
1.6 Learn basic JavaScript syntax
Lesson 2: Learn the 8 JavaScript Data Types
2.1 Learn theTypes
2.2 Learn about JavaScripts "number" type
2.3 Learn about JavaScripts "string" type
2.4 Learn about JavaScripts "boolean" type
2.5 Learn about JavaScripts "object" type
2.6 Learn about arrays in JavaScript
2.7 Learn about JavaScripts "function" type
2.8 Learn about JavaScripts "undefined" type
2.9 Learn about JavaScripts "bigint" type
2.10 Learn about JavaScripts "symbol" type
Lesson 3: Learn Basic JavaScript Control Flow
3.1 Learn about equality in JavaScript
3.2 Learn about if-statements in JavaScript
3.3 Learn about for-loops in JavaScript
3.4 Learn about while-loops and do-while loops in JavaScript
3.5 Handle and throw errors in JavaScript
3.6 Learn about switch-case blocks in JavaScript
3.7 Learn about ternary operators in JavaScript
3.8 Learn the difference between block-scoped and function-scoped variables
Lesson 4: Learn Object-Oriented Programming in JavaScript
4.1 Learn about JavaScript classes
4.2 Learn about prototype-based inheritance
4.3 Learn about "this" keyword in JavaScript
Lesson 5: Work with Arrays and Objects
5.1 Use built-in object functions
5.2 Use built-in array functions
5.3 Use built-in function methods
Lesson 6: Learn JavaScript ES6+ Syntax
6.1 Write functions using "arrow syntax"
6.2 Set default values for function arguments
6.3 Learn about the "spread operator"
6.4 Use object destructuring to get object properties
6.5 Use Interpolation to insert data into strings
6.6 Learn the Import and Export code in JavaScript
Lesson 7: Write and Run a JavaScript Program
7.1 Learn about writing and running JavaScript programs
7.2 Write a JavaScript program for the browser
7.3 Move JavaScript to an external script
7.4 Install Node.js and NPM
7.5 Write a Node script
7.6 Use Babel to transpile code
Lesson 8: Work with Asynchronous Code in JavaScript
8.1 Use callbacks to handle asynchronous operations
8.2 Use Promises to handle asynchronous operations
8.3 Use Async/Await to handle asynchronous operations
Lesson 9: Create a Web Server with JavaScript
9.1 Learn the basics of writing a Node server
9.2 Create and set up a Node.js project
9.3 Create and run a basic Express server
9.4 Create and test a GET endpoint
9.5 Read a file with the fs package
9.6 Create and test a POST endpoint
Lesson 10: Learn JavaScript Dialects in Depth
10.1 Use Typescript to enforce static typing
10.2 Use CoffeeScript for cleaner syntax
10.3 Use Dart for improved object-oriented programming
Lesson 11: Use GenAI Tools for JavaScript Development
11.1 Use ChatGPT to write JavaScript code
11.2 Use Google Gemini to write JavaScript code
11.3 Integrate GitHub Copilot into your IDE