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Get Started Fast with Modern JavaScript Web Development!
With the arrival of HTML5, jQuery, and Ajax, JavaScript web development skills are more valuable than ever! This complete, hands-on JavaScript tutorial covers everything you need to know now. Using line-by-line code walkthroughs and end-of-chapter exercises, top web developer and speaker Tim Wright will help you get results fast, even if you’ve never written a line of JavaScript before.
Smart, friendly, enthusiastic, and packed with modern examples, Learning JavaScript covers both design-level and development-level JavaScript. You’ll find expert knowledge and best practices for everything from jQuery and interface design to code organization and front-end templating. Wright’s focused coverage includes regular break points and clear reviews that make modern JavaScript easier to learn—and easier to use!
Learning JavaScript is your fastest route to success with JavaScript—whether you’re entirely new to the language or you need to sharpen and upgrade skills you first learned a decade ago!
Coverage includes
• Mastering all of the JavaScript concepts and terminology you need to write new programs or efficiently modify existing code
• Creating robust, secure code for both the design and development levels
• Maximizing usability, reusability, accessibility, clarity, security, and performance
• Taking full advantage of the browser environments your code will run in
• Accessing the DOM to create behaviors and data interactions
• Storing data for easy and efficient access
• Using variables, functions, loops, and other core language features
• Interacting with users through events
• Communicating with servers through Ajax
• Improving your productivity with JavaScript libraries
The 5 Most Important Skills a Web Developer Needs
A link from Learning JavaScript: A Hands-On Guide to the Fundamentals of Modern JavaScript can be found here.
Download the sample pages (includes Chapter 6 and Index)
I>Chapter 1: Progressive Enhancement 3
Defining Progressive Enhancement 3
History 4
Purpose 5
Accessibility 5
Reusability 5
Progressive Enhancement Versus Graceful
Degradation 6
Structure Layer 6
Adding More Meaning with HTML5 8
Presentation Layer 9
Inline CSS 10
Linking Up Your Stylesheet 10
Behavior Layer 12
Inline JavaScript 12
Embedded JavaScript 13
External and Unobtrusive JavaScript 15
Benefits of Progressive Enhancement 16
Performance 17
Building for the Future 17
The Touch Interface 18
Final Words on Progressive Enhancement 19
Summary 20
Exercises 20
Chapter 2: JavaScript in the Browser 21
A People’s History of JavaScript 21
Origins 22
Progressive Enhancement 23
The Behavior Layer 24
Moving Past Today 24
Browser Interactions with JavaScript 25
HTTP Requests 26
JavaScript and Rendering Engines 29
What JavaScript Can Do 30
Modifying HTML 31
Communicating with the Server 31
Storing Data 31
How You Should Use JavaScript 32
Improving User Experience 32
Using JavaScript Responsibly 32
Creating Fallbacks 34
Tools to Help You Use JavaScript 36
Tools Built into the Language 36
Tools Built into the Browser 37
Summary 38
Exercises 38
Chapter 3: JavaScript Terminology 39
Basics 39
Document Object Model (DOM) 39
Parents 40
Children 40
Siblings 41
Variables 41
Strings 43
Comments 43
Operators 44
Use Strict 45
Storage 45
Cache 45
Arrays 45
Cookies 46
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) 46
Objects 47
Creating Interaction 47
Loops 48
Conditionals 48
switch Statement 49
Functions 50
Anonymous Functions 51
Callback Functions 52
Methods 53
Events 54
Ajax 54
Summary 55
Exercises 55
Chapter 4: Accessing the DOM 57
What Is the DOM? 57
The DOM Tree 58
Element Nodes 59
Text Nodes 60
Attribute Nodes 62
Working with the Element Node 62
Targeting by ID 63