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8 Hours of Video Instruction
Learn JavaScript, the World's Most Popular Programming Language, In a Hands-On and Engaging Way!
JavaScript is used by a staggering amount of large and medium sized companies, largely due to its simplicity, flexibility, and popularity. The career opportunities for JavaScript developers are enormous. JavaScript is a fantastic language to learn to start your programming career.
In this course, Shaun Wassell covers everything you need to develop a solid foundation in programming with JavaScript. He demonstrates how to think like a programmer along with basic syntax and programming techniques. You'll start off by learning the basics, such as basic syntax and program structure, and simple operations. From there, you'll get into the basics of Object-Oriented programming in JavaScript and move onto more specific topics such as making network requests, handling events and errors, and building user interfaces.
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Pearson publishes expert-led video tutorials covering a wide selection of technology topics designed to teach you the skills you need to succeed. These professional and personal technology videos feature world-leading author instructors published by your trusted technology brands: Addison-Wesley, Cisco Press, Pearson IT Certification, Sams, and Que. Topics include IT Certification, Network Security, Cisco Technology, Programming, Web Development, Mobile Development, and more. Learn more about Pearson Video training at
Video Lessons are available for download for offline viewing within the streaming format. Look for the green arrow in each lesson.
Lesson 1: Learn Programming Basics: Variables and Data
1.1 Learn the basic goals of programming
1.2 Learn about variables
1.3 Learn about data types
1.4 Use JavaScript Objects to store related data
1.5 Use Arrays to store multiple variables
1.6 Learn about null and undefined variables
Lesson 2: Learn Programming Basics: Control Structures
2.1 Learn about If statements in JavaScript
2.2 Learn about For Loops in JavaScript (For-in and For-of)
2.3 Learn about While Loops in JavaScript (while and do-while)
2.4 Learn about Switch-Case blocks in JavaScript
2.5 Learn about ternary operators in JavaScript
2.6 Learn about equality in JavaScript
Lesson 3: Learn Programming Basics: Functions
3.1 Learn what a function is
3.2 Learn about arguments and return values
3.3 Learn about the different function syntaxes
Lesson 4: Basic Programming Examples
4.1 Write a program to find the largest number in an array
4.2 Write a program to sort an array of numbers
4.3 Write a program to calculate Fibonacci numbers
4.4 Write a program to find anagrams
4.5 Write a program to rotate arrays
4.6 Write a program to multiply matrices
Lesson 5: Asynchronous Programming in JavaScript
5.1 Learn the basics of asynchronous programming
5.2 Learn about callbacks
5.3 Learn about Promises
5.4 Learn about Async/Await
Lesson 6: Using JavaScript with User Interfaces
6.1 Manipulate DOM elements in JavaScript
6.2 Build user interfaces with Template Engines
6.3 Build user interfaces with React
Lesson 7: More Programming Examples
7.1 Write a program to display a graph
7.2 Write a program to display a list of users
7.3 Write a Rock-Paper-Scissors program