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Front-End Web Development with Angular 2, React, and Backbone.js LiveLessons
4+ Hours of Video Instruction
A practical, hands-on introduction to using three leading JavaScript frameworks -- Angular 2, React, and Backbone.js -- for modern, front-end web development.
Note: Code snippets and challenge assignments for all sections of this course are available at:
PART I: ES2015/ES6 Fundamentals (Mike Hannon)
Lesson 1: Introducing ES2015 (ES6)
Lesson 2: Code Blocks, Var, Let and Const
Lesson 3: Arrow Functions
Lesson 4: Promises
Lesson 5: String Literals, Default Parameters, Spread Operators, Destructuring
Lesson 6: Transpilers
Lesson 7: Using Front-End Frameworks
PART II: Backbone.js (Todd Enders)
Lesson 1: What is Backbone.js?
Lesson 2: Interlude — Underscore.js and its Relation to Backbone.js
Lesson 3: Backbone.js Basics
Lesson 4: Models
Lesson 5: Collections and Working with APIs
Lesson 6: Views and Templates
Lesson 7: Events
Lesson 8: Routing
PART III: React (Charlie Mead)
Lesson 1: From State to UI
Lesson 2: Barebones React
Lesson 3: React Props
Lesson 4: Retooling (JSX, Babel & create-react-app)
Lesson 5: Component Architecture
Lesson 6: Bringing Back State
Lesson 7: Component Categories
Lesson 8: Component Lifecycle
PART IV: Angular 2 (Speros Misirlakis)
Lesson 1: Angular 2 Overview
Lesson 2: Big Picture
Lesson 3: TypeScript
Lesson 4: Building Blocks
Lesson 5: Build Process
Lesson 6: Review & Resources
PART I: ES2015/ES6 Fundamentals (Mike Hannon)
Lesson 1: Introducing ES2015 (ES6)
1.1 Understand JavaScript's Ongoing Evolution
1.2 Know that although ES2015 is the ECMA script standard, it is a partial adoption
Lesson 2: Code Blocks, Var, Let and Const
2.1 Be able to clearly explain hoisting of variables
2.2 Understand the difference between let and const and var
2.3 Be able to use blocks to delimit scope with let and const
Lesson 3: Arrow Functions
3.1 Understand lexical this
3.2 Use arrow functions where and when appropriate
Lesson 4: Promises
4.1 Use ES2015 promises to control asynchronous behavior
4.2 Refactor callback-laden code with promises
Lesson 5: String Literals, Default Parameters, Spread Operators, Destructuring
5.1 Use back-ticks for string literals
5.2 Clean up code with destructuring
5.3 Use Default Parameters to mitigate unwieldy OR statements
5.4 Use rest parameters and spread operators to further sharpen your code
Lesson 6: Transpilers
6.1 Be able to explain why transpilers are used, and explain polyfil, syntactic sugarl
6.2 Know where resources are to set up bable
6.3 Know how and where resources are to set-up typescript
Lesson 7: Using Front-End Frameworks
7.1 Know the major roles that a front-end framework plays
7.2 Be able to identify the major technologies required to effectively use the three frameworks presented here
PART II: Backbone.js (Todd Enders)
Lesson 1: What is Backbone.js?
1.1 Understand What Backbone Is
1.2 Understand Backbone's Goals
Lesson 2: Interlude — Underscore.js and its Relation to Backbone.js
2.1 Use Underscore at a High Level
2.2 Understand Why Underscore and Backbone Work Together
Lesson 3: Backbone.js Basics
3.1 Understand the MV* pattern
3.2 Understand Backbone Classes
3.3 Understand Backbone Class Inheritance
Lesson 4: Models
4.1 Understand Models and What They Represent
4.2 Build Custom Models
4.3 Use Models to Perform CRUD Operations via AJAX
Lesson 5: Collections and Working with APIs
5.1 Understand Collections and How They Work with Models
5.2 Create and Manage a Collection
5.3 Use Collections to Perform CRUD Operations on Models via AJAX
Lesson 6: Views and Templates
6.1 Understand Views, How They Represent a Model or Collection, and Their Scope
6.2 Build a Template and Render a View
6.3 Use Collection Views to Build Model Views
Lesson 7: Events
7.1 Understand Backbone Events and Build Those Events to Mimic jQuery
7.2 Use Backbone Events to Handle User Interaction in Views
Lesson 8: Routing
8.1 Understand How Backbone Routers Help Us Create SPAs
PART III: React (Charlie Mead)
Lesson 1: From State to UI
1.1 Build a state object
1.2 What is state?
1.3 How should we generate UI?
1.4 React doesn't do templates
1.5 Ract uses components
Lesson 2: Barebones React
2.1 Dependencies
2.2 The React object
2.3 The ReactDOM object
2.4 Update the DOM
2.5 Hello World Demo
2.6 Nested Elements Demo
Lesson 3: React Props
3.1 React props
3.2 Build a button
3.3 Button Click Demo
Lesson 4: Retooling (JSX, Babel & create-react-app)
4.1 No more React.createElement() calls
4.2 Hooking up Babel
4.3 Webpack
4.4 Webpack Demo
Lesson 5: Component Architecture
5.1 React components
5.2 Component creation
5.3 We'll use ES6
5.4 Every component class needs to render() UI
5.5 NavBar Demo
Lesson 6: Bringing Back State
6.1 What should we track?
6.2 Update and re-render
6.3 Now build a counter!
6.4 Counter Demo
6.5 Todo Demo
Lesson 7: Component Categories
7.1 Stateless components
7.2 Refactoring Demo
Lesson 8: Component Lifecycle
8.1 A component's life
8.2 Reach out to a server
8.3 GitHub API Demo
PART IV: Angular 2 (Speros Misirlakis)
Lesson 1: Angular 2 Overview
1.1 What is Angular?
Lesson 2: Big Picture
2.1 Understanding the architecture of an Angular application
Lesson 3: TypeScript
3.1 TypeScript Overview
3.2 TypeScript & JavaScript Comparison
Lesson 4: Building Blocks
4.1 Directives
4.2 Data Flow
4.3 Providers
4.4 Components in Components
4.5 Providers in Components
Lesson 5: Build Process
5.1 Small demonstration on how to get started on putting all the pieces together