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Extreme Programming in Practice

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Extreme Programming in Practice


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  • Copyright 2001
  • Edition: 1st
  • Book
  • ISBN-10: 0-201-70937-6
  • ISBN-13: 978-0-201-70937-7

Extreme Programming is the most exciting revolution to hit the software engineering industry in the last decade. But what exactly is XP? And how do you XP? Simply put, XP is about playing to win. If you are serious about becoming an agile organization, decreasing your time to market, keeping your development team happy, and improving the overall quality of your software, then XP is for you.

Extreme Programming in Practice provides a candid, refreshing, insider¿s view of how an XP project works. The artifacts presented in this book are real, the user stories are real, and the anecdotes are real. The book represents all-access, uncensored XP. The authors have chosen example over explanation, so that you can personalize the tenets of XP and put them into practice on your next development project.

The book is supported with sample code and test examples. You can learn how to emphasize planning in your project; deliver multiple iterations of your project (each with increasing business value); gather customer feedback as you build; and test the integrity of your code without halting your development efforts. The authors also provide a handy summary of more than a dozen "lessons learned" in XP implementation.

Extreme Programming in Practice will help you separate the hype from reality and learn how to implement XP in your organization. Witness the thought process of an XP team unfold. Observe the mistakes that were made along the way, as well as their corrections. See the ebb and flow of a real development project. Finish the release. Play to win.


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Table of Contents


1. The Skinny.

The First Solution.


What Went Wrong?

2. Playing to Win.

Extreme Programming (XP).

The Structure of This Book.

3. What is XP?




Release Planning.

Iteration Planning.


The Story of a Story.

4. Exploration.

The Story of Some Constraints.


An Expensive Story.

Combining Stories.

Registration Story.

Existing User.

Legacy Conversion.


Registration Pages Look and Feel.



Summary of Stories.

5. Planning.

Prioritizing the Stories.

Architectural Significance.

Release and Iteration Duration.


Planning the First Release.


6. The First Iteration Plan.

Breaking Stories into Tasks.

Signing Up for Tasks.

Estimating the Tasks.


7. Beginning the First Iteration.

Plans Are One Thing, Reality Is Another.

Starting the Iteration.



8. Task #3, Login Task.



9. A Flurry of Refactoring.



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Implementing the Mock-Objects.

ForgotPassword Servlet.



11. Infrastructure Thrashing.

Refactoring the Tests.

Refactoring the Database—again.

Infrastructure Revolution.

The Registration Servlet.



12. Iteration I-Summary.

Cookie Woes.


We Thought We Were Done.

13. Steering.

An interesting Misunderstanding.

What Went Wrong?

14. Finishing the Release.

Can't You Fit Two Hours?

Task Planning.

The Iteration.

Lessons Learned.

The Third Iteration and Release.


Projecting This Experience onto Larger Projects.

15. Conclusion.

Lessons Learned.

Final Conclusions.

Appendix A. Iteration 1—Code.



This book is a case study describing a Web-based software project developed using a development process known as Extreme Programming (XP). The project is real, driven by the needs of a real customer. The artifacts presented in this book are real. The code is real, the user stories are real, and the anecdotes are real. We videotaped all our meetings and development episodes so that we maintained an honest and objective chronicle of the events. We wanted our readers to have as true-to-life an experience as possible.

At first we thought we might have to keep the scope of the project artificially small enough to fit into this book. However, it turned out that the size of the first XP release of the project was both useful to our customer and the ideal size for this book. So even the size of the release is real.

Before this project, none of us had used XP in its entirety. So this book also chronicles the adoption of XP by a team that is relatively unfamiliar with it.

Our goal in writing this book is to help demonstrate how a real XP project works. We have chosen to do this by example, rather than by explanation.

The examples are real. They chronicle the thought processes of the team as it struggles with the concepts of XP. You will see us make mistakes and then correct them. You will see us have insights and then find them to be invalid. You will see the ebb and flow of a real development project.

This book is written for developers, managers, customers, and anyone else involved in the development of software.

We welcome any feedback and can be reached at the following e-mail addresses:

  • James Newkirk–jnewkirk@thoughtworks.com
  • Robert C. Martin–rmartin@objectmentor.com




Back with Filled Fields user story

cancellation, 138

first release, not originally planned but completed, 143

origin, 129

reinstatement, 139

time used, 141

Banners, Web sites, Smart Site Header user story, 19—20, 30—31, 33, 125, 144—145

Beck, Kent, xiii, xv, 5, 9, 48


Changing User Profile user story

first release, original planning, 33

first release, planned and completed, 143

origin, 26—27

Click Back user story

cancellation, 139

origin, 138

Click for Overview user story

first release, not originally planned but completed, 143

origin, 128

Combine Confirmation and Login user story

first release, not originally planned but completed, 143

origin, 130

Cookies user story

first release, original planning, 33

first release, planned and completed, 142—143

Login Start task, 36—37

Login task, 70—74

origin, 21—22

problems, 123—125

Create Database task

implementing, 48—61

origin, 38—39

time estimate, 42

Cunningham, Ward, 92


Databases, Create Database task

implementing, 48—61

origin, 38—39

time estimate, 42


E-mail Notification user story

first release, original planning, 33

first release, planned, 143

origin, 25—26

Enter as Guest task

implementing, 77—88

origin, 38

Exact Method refactoring, 83

LoginServlet, 70, 73—74

Existing User user story

first iteration planning, 40—41

first release, not originally planned but completed, 143

origin, 23—24

testing code, 107—110

Exploration period (XP projects)

spikes, 10

user stories, 9—10

Extreme Programming. See XP


Forgot Password task

implementing, 91—105

origin, 38—39

Forgotten Password user story

first release, original planning, 33

first release, planned and completed, 143

origin, 24

Fowler, Martin, xii, xv, 13, 70, 77


Guest Login user story

Enter as Guest task, 38

first release, original planning, 33

first release, planned and completed, 142—143

origin, 21



first iteration execution, 47—62

first iteration planning, 11—12, 35—45

first iteration summary, 123—126

second iteration, 139—141

third iteration, 141—142


JUnit test framework, 48—51


Legacy E-mail Addresses user story, origin, 24—25

Login Page HTML task, 37

time estimate, 43

Login Start task

origin, 36

time estimate, 42

Login Story user story

first release, original planning, 33

first release, planned and completed, 142—143

origin, 20—21

Login task

cookies, 70—74

implementing, 63—70, 75

origin, 37

time estimate, 43—44


Member Invitation user story, origin, 26—27

Migrate Access Data user story

first release, original planning, 32, 33

first release, planned, 143

origin, 24—25

Mock object interfaces, 101—104

Move Method refactoring, LoginServlet, 70, 73—74


No Pop-Up Windows user story, origin, 16—17

Notification Specialization user story

first release, original planning, 32, 33

first release, planned and completed, 143

origin, 25—26

second iteration, 139—141


Operating systems

architecture, 18—19

selection process, 18


Page Width user story, origin, 26—27

Pair programming, 12—13

Porting Constraint user story, origin, 17—18

Programming weeks (ideal), 10

Pull up Method refactoring, 77, 80, 83



DatabaseAddTest, 110—112

ForgotPasswordTest, 95—96, 98—100

ForgotPasswordTest.testNoUser, 93

FrontEndServlet, 80, 84

GuestServlet, 78, 81, 84, 87

LoginServlet, 70, 73—74, 79—83, 86—87

Mailer, 95, 98

PasswordReminder, 93, 96—97, 100—101

RedirectingServlet, 85—86

UserDatabase, 117—118

Registration E-mail user story

first release, not originally planned but completed, 143

origin, 129

Registration HTML task

implementation time, 122

origin, 40

time estimate, 43

Registration Page Cosmetics user story

combining with Click Back user story, 138

first release, not originally planned but completed, 143

origin, 129

Registration Task Servlet

implementing, 107—122

origin, 40

time estimate, 43—44

Release planning, 11

first iteration, summary, 123—126

first release, 31—33

Release planning, continued

second iteration, 139—141

stories, current status, 144

stories, first release, completed, 143

stories, first release, planned, 142—143

third iteration, 141—142

velocity, 11, 31

velocity, first iteration planning, 45

Reset Servlet task

problems, 123—125

time estimate, 42—43


Smart Site Header user story

architectural significance, 30—31

first release, original planning, 33

first release, planned, 143

high priority technical risk, 144—145

origin, 19—20

relationship with cookies, 125

Spikes, project exploration period, 10

Spoofing, 92—104

Stories. See user stories



breakdown of user stories, 36—42

time estimates, 42—45

Testing, JUnit framework, 48—51

Transparent Login user story

cookies, 70—74

first release, original planning, 33

first release, planned and completed, 143

origin, 22

Triggering the Login Mechanism user story, origin, 15—16


User Registration user story

first release, original planning, 33

first release, planned and completed, 143

origin, 23

User stories

breaking down into tasks, 36—42

defined, 9—10

first release, planned compared to completed, 142—143

prioritizing, 30

task time estimates, 42—45

Username as E-mail Address user story

origin, 16—17

unique identifier, 23


Velocity, release planning, 11, 31

first iteration planning, 45


Web sites

user stories, Page Width, 26—27

user stories, Smart Site Header, 19—20, 30—31, 33, 125, 144—145


XP projects. See also iterations; release planning

communication, 148

exploration period, 9—10

feedback, 149

lessons learned, 149—151

Lowell, miscommunication, 130—134

Lowell, miscommunication, troubleshooting, 134—135

operating system architecture, 18—19

pair programming, 12—13


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