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5+ Hours of Video Instruction
How do you become an expert JavaScript developer? Let Sahil Khosla delve into the concepts that take you from intermediate to expert in about 6 hours.
JavaScript has become one of the most popular programming languages ever. Developers of all levels are flocking towards JavaScript. And it is no longer restricted to web. Node.js has allowed developers to use JavaScript on the server side as well.
Write Elegant JS ES6+ Code for the Web, Backend, and Lambdas
Sahil Khosla gives students the chance to go beyond the basics and learn about the concepts that are hard to find in an average JavaScript book or video but are essential to mastering the language. In this LiveLessons video, Sahil covers several approaches to writing asynchronous JavaScript that can be leveraged to call APIs or long-running functions without freezing the A61. Learn how to write elegant JS code with ES6 syntax for use in web apps, node backend, or lambdas.
Skill Level
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Lesson 1: Understand Objects, Hoisting, and Execution
1.0 Learning objectives
1.1 Learn about objects
1.2 Explore out-of-the-box features
1.3 Understand Execution Context
1.4 Uncover two phases of running JS code
1.5 Learn about variable environments
1.6 Understand Scope Chain
Lesson 2: Discover Functions and IIFEs
2.0 Learning objectives
2.1 Discover functions in JS
2.2 Understand the difference between objects and functions
2.3 Learn about IIFEs
2.4 Explore different ways to use IIFEs
Lesson 3: Use Closures, Apply/Call/Bind
3.0 Learning objectives
3.1 Understand "this"
3.2 Understand closures
3.3 Learn how IIFEs come to the rescue
3.4 Use Apply/Call/Bind methods
Lesson 4: Review ES6 Syntax
4.0 Learning objectives
4.1 Understand the difference between Var, Const, and Let
4.2 Use Template Strings
4.3 Use Object Literals
4.4 Understand Arrow Functions syntax
4.5 Accept default params
4.6 Uncover the Spread operator
4.7 De-structure an array and object
Lesson 5: Learn ES6 Array Methods
5.0 Learning objectives
5.1 Understand the anatomy of ES6 array methods
5.2 Explore several array methods in ES6
Lesson 6: Work with Classes and Inheritance
6.0 Learning objectives
6.1 Learn about Prototypes and the Prototype Chain
6.2 Understand how Prototypical Inheritance works
6.3 Understand the old way of creating classes
6.4 Learn the new way to create classes
Lesson 7: Learn Async Programming
7.0 Learning objectives
7.1 Understand JavaScript Event Loop
7.2 Learn how callbacks work
7.3 Understand how Promises work
7.4 Explore several ways of using Promises
7.5 Learn Async/Await
7.6 Explore ways to use Async/Await
7.7 Decide between callbacks, Promises, and Async/Await
Lesson 8: Publish a Library to NPM
8.0 Learning objectives
8.1 Set up a new library using base-npm-lib
8.2 Implement features in the new library
8.3 Build the library using Webpack and Babel
8.4 Publish the library to public NPM
8.5 Test the published library