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The #1 guide to protecting and recovering your key digital assetsnow fully updated.
Disaster Recovery Planning, Third Edition is a start-to-finish update to the #1 guide to disaster recovery planning and implementation. Thoroughly revised to reflect the latest strategies and technologies, it also presents the disaster recovery lessons taught by 9/11, the California energy crisis, and the anthrax scare.
In this book, Toigo offers focused, hands-on blueprints for disaster recovery in every environment, centralized and decentralizedwith detailed coverage of building DR systems that address networks and encompass end-users who still maintain crucial enterprise data on local PCs and notebooks. Coverage includes:
Foreword by Michael Shannon.
Foreword by Gregory Ferris.
Author's Preface to the Third Edition.
Preface to the Second Edition.
1. Introduction.
What Is Disaster Recovery Planning? Purpose of This Book. A Working Definition of Disaster. The Time Factor in Disaster Recovery. The Need for Disaster Recovery Planning. The Auditor's View. An Imperfect Legal Mandate. Building Management Consensus for Disaster Recovery Planning. Who Should Write the Plan? A Straightforward, Project-Oriented Approach. A Note on Methodology. Endnotes.
The Purpose of Risk Analysis. Identifying and Prioritizing Assets and Functions. Collecting Input from End Users. A Criticality Spectrum. Collecting Data on Outage Costs. Identifying Threats to Assets and Functions. The Problem with Probability. A Few Compelling Statistics. Developing Plan Objectives. Endnotes.
Water Detection. Fire Suppression. Contamination Reduction. Precombustion Detection. Power Failure. Physical Access Control. Endnotes.
The Primacy of Data. Planning for Data Recovery. Identifying the Information Asset. Classifying Criticality: Inputs and Outputs. Setting a Policy on Data Asset Identification, Classification, and Backup. Policy-based Management of Electronic Data via Software. Storage Consolidation. Tape Backup. Designing a storage Recovery Plan. Electronic Vaulting. Remote Mirroring. Mirroring Not a Panacea. Options for Records Storage. Selecting an Off-site Storage Vendor. Cost-Justify Off-site Storage. Implementing the Data Recovery Plan. Final Observations About Data Recovery Planning. Endnotes. PERSPECTIVE: EMC. PERSPECTIVE: LEGATO. PERSPECTIVE: IRON MOUNTAIN. PERSPECTIVE: NETWORK APPLIANCE. PERSPECTIVE: QUANTUM. PERSPECTIVE: STORABILITY. PERSPECTIVE: STORAGETEK. PERSPECTIVE: TEK-TOOLS.
Developing Centralized System Backup Strategies. Cautions and Caveats. Mainframe Backup Strategies. Which Strategy Is Preferred? Selecting a Hot Site. The Bottom Line on Centralized System Recovery. Endnotes. PERSPECTIVE: HP BRS. PERSPECTIVE: SUNGARD AVAILABILITY SERVICE.
Distributed Client/Server Computing: The Achilles Heel of Disaster Recovery Planning. A Brief Overview of Distributed Computing. Contemporary Client/Server Applications. Preventive Measures. Proactive Measures. Planning for Recovery. Endnotes.
Developing an End User Recovery Strategy. Options for End User Recovery. Emerging Technology: Harnessing Remote Access Capabilities. Types of Remote Access. Considerations Regarding the Use of Remote Access for End User Recovery. Other Issues in End User Recovery. Final Thoughts on End User Recovery Strategies. Endnotes.
What Is Involved in Formulating a Network Recovery Strategy? Analyzing Networks: A Layered Approach. Preliminary Activities in Network Recovery Planning. Formulating Strategies for Internal Network Recovery. Backup Strategies for the Local Loop and Wide Area Network Services. Planning for the Restoral of Wide Area Voice and Data Network Links Following a User or Systems Relocation. Endnotes. PERSPECTIVE: CNT. PERSPECTIVE: SITESAFE. PERSPECTIVE: ZEROWAIT.
Designating Teams. Common Evacuation Project Functions and Teams. Common Recovery Project Functions and Teams. Relocation and Reentry Project Functions. Staffing Teams. Developing a Notification Directory. Creating the Emergency Management Flowchart. Emergency Response. Situation Assessment. Emergency Operations Center Activation. The Recovery Phase. The Relocation/Reentry Phase. Final Thoughts on Emergency Management Decision Making. Endnotes.
Researching Literature. Interviews and Tours. Professional DR Organizations. Professional Associations. The "Friction" of Disaster. Endnotes.
Team Education. Plan Maintenance. Change Management . Managing the Results. Endnotes.
Preparing For the Unthinkable: Control The Damage. Endnotes.