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Dinesh Kulkarni

Charlie Calvert, Community Program Manager for the Microsoft C# team, currently focuses his technical energies on LINQ. He has periodically worked with LINQ Chief Architect Anders Hejlsberg both during the development of Delphi and during the development of LINQ. Calvert’s ten technical books have sold more than 100,000 copies. They include Delphi 4 Unleashed, C++Builder 3 Unleashed, Delphi 2 Unleashed, Teach Yourself Windows 95 Programming in 21 Days, and Teach Yourself Windows Programming.


Dinesh Kulkarni is a Senior Program Manager on Microsoft’s .NET Framework team. He was the Program Manager in charge of LINQ to SQL. He was deeply involved in LINQ’s planning and implementation from the incubation stage and was lead author for MSDN’s authoritative LINQ to SQL paper. Before joining Microsoft, he worked in diverse technical roles ranging from architecting and implementing front-end CASE tools for IBM to designing databases and middleware for a Wall Street hedge fund.