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John Q. Walker

John Q. Walker, Ph.D, was a founder of Ganymede Software, heading the software development team there before it joined NetIQ Corporation in spring 2000. Currently, he is the president of Zenph Studios, Inc., makers of multimedia software. In earlier positions, he managed teams responsible for designing and developing high-speed networking at IBM. Dr. Walker holds a Ph.D. in software engineering; his master's degree focused on system testing.


Jeffrey T. Hicks is a Software Architect at NetQoS, Inc., the industry's fastest growing network performance management company.  For the last 8 years, he has been architecting and designing software products to help enterprises and managed service providers deploy, secure, and manage Voice over IP (VoIP) solutions. Jeffrey is a VoIP technology expert and has published numerous articles about VoIP. In past jobs, Jeffrey led the development of Ganymede Software's award-winning Chariot product and developed innovative network communications technology at IBM. Mr. Hicks holds a bachelor of science degree in computer engineering from Auburn University and a master of engineering degree from North Carolina State University.