Evi Nemeth pioneered the discipline of UNIX system administration. She taught and mentored computer science students at the University of Colorado Boulder, was visiting faculty member at Dartmouth College and UC San Diego, and helped bring Internet technology to the developing world through her work with the Internet Society and the United Nations.
Garth Snyder has worked at NeXT and Sun and holds a BS in Engineering from Swarthmore College and an MD and an MBA from the University of Rochester.
Trent R. Hein (@trenthein) is a serial entrepreneur who is passionate about practical cybersecurity and automation. Outside of technology, he loves hiking, skiing, fly fishing, camping, bluegrass, dogs, and the Oxford comma. Trent holds a BS in Computer Science from the University of Colorado.
Ben Whaley is the founder of WhaleTech, an independent consultancy. He was honored by Amazon as one of the first AWS Community Heroes. He obtained a B.S. in Computer Science from the University of Colorado at Boulder.
Dan Mackin’s (@dan_mackin) long-standing passion for technology inspired him to get a BS in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Colorado at Boulder. He applies Linux and other open source technologies not only in his day job, but also to automation, monitoring, and weather metrics collection projects at home. Dan loves spending time with his wife and dog, skiing, movies, sailing, and backcountry touring.