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Manuel Velasco

Jalpa Patel (CCIE No. 42465) is a senior technical leader in the Customer Experience group at CiscoSystems. Her areas of interest include Cisco Unified Computing System andvirtualization, hyperconverged infrastructure solutions, application-centricSDN for application agility and data center automation, and Nexus switches,which are the foundation for a next-generation unified fabric data center. Sheis currently focusing on building SaaS solutions for all data centertechnologies.

Jalpa has over 18 years of experience in networking and systemmanagement. She is leading innovation within Cisco to change support models.She has authored and published IEEE papers and regularly presents at industryconferences. Jalpa holds a M.S. degree in telecommunication networks from NewYork University and a B.S. degree in electronics and communications from aGujarat university in India. She has also earned an advanced program managementcertificate from Stanford University

Manuel Velasco (CCIE No. 49401) is a customer support specialist in the Customer Experience group at CiscoSystems. In his previous role, he worked as a TAC engineer at Cisco, supportingmultiple data center technologies, including Cisco Unified Computing System andvirtualization, Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI), and CiscoHyperFlex. He has over 8 years of experience in data center technologies.Manuel holds a B.S. degree in computer engineering from CalPolySan Luis Obispo

Avinash Shukla (CCIE No. 28418) is a technical leader at Cisco Systems. He has 11 years of experience inCisco CX roles, spanning professional and technical services, and holds a dualCCIE in Collaboration and Datacenter. His current focus areas include CiscoHyperFlex, Cisco UCS and virtualization, Cisco Intersight, data centerautomation, and Kubernetes. He enjoys customer interaction and thrives onsolving new challenges to improve customer experience every day.

Avinash holds a B.Tech. in electronics and communication from IIIT inHyderabad, India. He has co-authored IEEE publications and presents regularlyat Cisco Live. He has won numerous Cisco awards for innovation, technicalexcellence, and customer focus, and he has presented many training sessions toCisco partners and customers. He has also authored several tech notes andguides on data center technology to simplify day-to-day operations forcustomers.