Patricia L. Saporito is a senior director for SAP’s Global Center of Excellence for BI and Analytics. She is SAP’s thought leader for analytics in the insurance industry. In her role she provides thought leadership and guidance to help customers leverage their data and technology investments. In addition to insurance she has worked with many other industries including airlines, banking, consumer products, healthcare, manufacturing, mining, oil and gas, and utilities.
Pat is a faculty member of the International Institute for Analytics (IIA), co-founded by Tom Davenport, and is a frequent speaker at industry and analytics events on the topics of data warehousing, analytics, and BI Strategy. Pat authored the chapter on business value in the recently published IIA book, Analytics in Healthcare and the Life Sciences.
Pat has been a columnist for Best’s Review magazine’s “Technology Insights” column for the past 10 years. She has blogged in various social media outlets. Pat has served in numerous industry roles. She is past president of the Society of Insurance Research, past chair of the Society of Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriters (CPCU) Information Technology Section, has been a director of Insurance Data Management Association, and has been an education committee member of Insurance Accounting & Systems Association (IASA). She is also past president of APIW, an organization of executive insurance women.
Pat holds the Society of CPCU professional designation and has been awarded a Fellow of Insurance Data Management by the Insurance Data Management Association (IDMA) in recognition of her advocacy of and contributions to the field of data management and analytics.