- Powering Up and Powering Down
- Finding Your Way Around Windows
- Switching from Windows S Mode to Windows Home
Finding Your Way Around Windows
When it comes to finding your way around Windows 11, it’s all about learning the different parts of the desktop. (And, for you more experienced users, the Windows 11 desktop looks and works a bit differently than what you’re used to with Windows 10.)
Use the Start Menu
You access all the software programs and utilities on your computer via the Windows Start menu. You can “pin” your favorite programs to the Start menu and view apps and files recommended by Windows. You can even view all the apps installed on your computer and power off your computer from the Start menu.
Click or tap the Start button or press the Windows key on your keyboard to open the Start menu.
At the top of the Start menu, you see apps that have been pinned to the Start menu. Mouse over the Pinned area and scroll down or back up to view all the pinned apps. Click or tap any app to open it.
At the bottom of the Start menu, you see recommended apps and recently used files. Click or tap an app or file to open it.
View all the apps installed on your computer by clicking or tapping All Apps.
Apps are listed in alphabetical order. Scroll down the list to view more apps.
Click or tap an app to open it.
Click or tap Back to return to the main Start menu.
View more recently used files by tapping More in the Recommended section.
Recently opened files are listed in reverse chronological order, most recent files first. Scroll down to view older files.
Click or tap any file to open that file in the appropriate app.
Click or tap Back to return to the main Start menu.
Click or tap your account name or picture to change account settings, lock your PC, or sign out of your account.
Click or tap the Power icon to put your PC to sleep, shut it down, or restart it.
Close the Start menu by clicking or tapping anywhere outside the Start menu or clicking or tapping the Start button again.
Use the Taskbar
The taskbar is that area at the bottom of the Windows desktop. Icons on the taskbar can represent frequently used programs, open programs, or open documents.
Open the Start menu by clicking or tapping the Start button.
Open any application pinned to the taskbar by clicking or tapping the application’s icon.
Search your computer for files and apps, or the Web for additional information, by clicking or tapping the Search icon. This opens the Search pane, described in Chapter 8.
View all open applications in thumbnail form by clicking or tapping the Task View button. (Learn more about switching between programs in Chapter 8.)
Open the Widgets pane by clicking or tapping the Widgets button. (Learn more about widgets in Chapter 6.)
Start or join a Microsoft Teams chat by clicking or tapping the Chat icon.
Open File Explorer by clicking or tapping the File Explorer icon.
The far-right side of the taskbar is called the notification area, and it displays icons for essential Windows operations—sound, networking, power, time and date, and so forth. Click or tap the up arrow to view icons for more items, normally hidden.
Open OneDrive by clicking or tapping the OneDrive icon.
Connect to Wi-Fi networks, adjust sound and brightness levels, and make other quick adjustments by clicking or tapping the middle of the notification area to display the Quick Access panel.
View recent notifications from Windows and selected apps by clicking or tapping the time and date.
Minimize all open applications by clicking or tapping the slim Peek button at the far right of the taskbar.
Use the Quick Settings Panel
Windows 11 features a new Quick Settings panel that you use to adjust basic settings—changing volume and brightness levels, connecting to Wi-Fi networks, switching to Airplane mode, and adjusting the screen brightness. You open the Quick Settings panel from the notification area of the taskbar.
Click or tap the middle of the notifications area on the taskbar to open the Quick Settings panel.
Use the Brightness slider to adjust the screen brightness.
Use the Volume slider to adjust the audio volume.
Click or tap the Wi-Fi button to turn Wi-Fi on or off.
Click or tap the Wi-Fi right arrow to connect to or switch Wi-Fi networks.
Click or tap the Airplane Mode button to turn Airplane mode on or off.
Click or tap the Settings button to open the Settings app.
Use the Notifications Panel
The new Notifications panel in Windows 11 is where you view system notifications and notifications from selected apps. It also displays a handy calendar.
Click or tap the date and time area of the notifications area of the taskbar to display the Notifications panel.
Recent notifications are displayed here. Scroll down to view more.
Click or tap to read or take action on any specific notification.
Mouse over any notification and click the X to close that notification.
Click or tap Clear All to close all notifications.
Click or tap the up arrow by the date to display a monthly calendar. The calendar expands up while the notifications panel contracts upward.
Click or tap the up and down arrows to display the previous and upcoming months.
Click the down arrow next to the calendar to minimize the calendar and display more notifications.