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Creativity Now ensures creative stimulation never runs dry. Itself creative in both content and design, its a book that entrepreneurs, writers, managers, marketers, and anybody else who needs a practical path to innovation can turn to and instantly find a way generate new ideas.
It's divided into four key segments of the creative process:
DREAMING consists of 25 ideas for about how to get yourself into a creative state of mind quickly. It includes quick brain exercises, physical exercises that integrate the two lobes of the brain, and methods for engaging all your senses.
ORIGINATING reveals 25 ways to come up with ideas when you dont have any. It includes the opposite technique (starting with the opposite of what youre trying to invent or create), juxtaposition of words and images to create new combinations, and stepping into creative alter egos.
VARYING shows 25 ways to come up with more creative variations of something that already exists. These include making it bigger, making it smaller, and changing the target audience.
ADAPTING provides 25 ways to be inspired by the most creative things people have come up with in the last few decades, including examples from the worlds of business, the arts, and science. Each case includes prompt questions that will help the reader adapt these breakthroughs to his or her own situation.
The book is true to its own spirit by incorporating creative typography, cartoons, antique art, unusual layouts, and provocative checklists and quizzes. The style is concise and entertaining, making it a book to keep handy to refer to whenever a fresh idea is needed. Introduction
Part 1: DreamingGo for Baroque
Go away
Remember how to play
Why? What? When? Where? How?
Create your space
Get the right stuff
Be a streetcomber
Get physical
Lose your limited thinking
You are not under arrest!
Make up a story
Go fishing with Edison
Use a mind machine
Find a mentor
Dare to daydream
Record your night dreams
Transform your inner critic
Go back to pen and paper
Stuff your head with facts
Take a nap
Keep a swipe file
Balance your brain
Feed your brain
Create a goals board
Join the League of Adventurers
Part 2: OriginatingFollow the four brainstorming guidelines
Ask the ignorant
Try the opposite
Do a future interview
Force a word association
Force a picture association
When you have a good idea keep going!
Start with the end
Apply your why, who, what, where, and when questions
Have a Trendstorming session
Use mind maps
Try Freewriting
Challenge all assumptions
Imagine someone elses solution
Vary the attributes
Teach your problem
Make 1 + 1 equal 3
Summon your Originator alter ego
Learn from nature
Match your interests and your skills
Fish in a different pond
Steal their methods
Believe in goosebumps
Part 3: Applying
Summon your Action Man or Woman alter ego
Create an action map
To get, ask
Give them a taste
To sell, pre-sell
Declare a MAD
Use the Pareto Principle
Test a prototype
Keep an Ideas Box
Create a loyalty card
Give it a personality
Keep it simple
Ready, fire, aim!
Look for the quirk
Have a plan B
Make a not-to-do list
Embrace procrastination
Be the staff
Chunk and micro-chunk
Use timepods
Use the Einstein levels
Know when to quit
Part 4: Adapting
They became successful writers
They found the quirk that works
She got strangers to give her money
Her gift made her rich
The real experts led them to success
He got their attention and their business
Word of mouth took it from free to famous
A change of location made dinner profitable
Theyre winning breakthrough ideas
He combined two trends and created a third
They found customers who werent being served
He deals with dirt and cleans up
He took a chore and made it a game
This time its personal
Hes playing by the (biggest) book
They made travel less taxing
They got people hooked
She changed the medium and they got the message
She went back to the future
She went from 'vs.' to 'and'
He unlocked his creativity
He took a risk for Sin
She went from Mum to money
He does what drives others mad
She let her passion lead the way
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