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9+ Hours of Video Instruction
Leverage Python and the Django web framework to develop applications quickly and securely.
Web Development in Python with Django LiveLessons gets you up and running with the Django framework. You learn how to start Django projects and organize code using Django apps. You structure data and define behavior with Django models. You learn how to generate databases based on Django models, manipulate data in the database with Python, and manage a database with Django migrations. Display the data in your database in HTML using Django URL paths, Django views, and the Django Template Language; or display in JSON using Django Rest Framework’s (DRF) Serializers, Routers, and ViewSets. Securely receive, validate, and manipulate incoming user data in your Django Forms or in your DRF Serializers. You even learn how to run a development server inside of Docker. Finally, you learn how to deploy to the cloud in general and to Heroku specifically.
Skill Level
Lesson 1: Revisit Web Development Fundamental ConceptsLearning objectives
1.1 Communicate with backend servers via the HyperText Transfer Protocol
1.2 Serialize and structure data in JSON, HTML, XML, and CSS
1.3 Organize state with databases and caching
1.4 Follow a development process
1.5 Compare the Zen of Python and Django to alternatives
1.6 Prepare your development setup
1.7 Secure your web applications
Lesson 2: Prepare the Project and Manipulate Data
Learning objectives
2.1 Define the project specification
2.2 Start a new Django project and app with Django Rest Framework
2.3 Structure data with Django models and fields
2.4 Add behavior with model methods
2.5 Manipulate data in the database with Python
2.6 Manage a database with Django
2.7 Customize the admin interface
2.8 Run a development server in Docker
Lesson 3: Display Data via an API
Learning objectives
3.1 Use Django views and URL paths to respond to users
3.2 Manually serialize Django Model instances to JSON strings
3.3 Build a serializer to convert Python classes to JSON and XML
3.4 Integrate serializers with views
3.5 Improve discoverability and security with HyperlinkedIdentityFields
3.6 Inherit generic API views to return data from HyperlinkedModelSerializers subclasses
3.7 Extend generic API view behavior
3.8 Configure URL paths for future lessons
Lesson 4: Display Data in HTML Pages
Learning objectives
4.1 Use Django views to build web pages
4.2 Display data in Django templates
4.3 Structure templates using template inheritance
4.4 Manipulate templates in Python with template, context, and loader
4.5 Build views and URL paths for HTML pages
4.6 Leverage generic views for startup and blog post web pages
4.7 Build URIs with Django's reverse function
4.8 Create links between web pages
4.9 Plan next steps for templates
Lesson 5: Receive and Manipulate Data via an API
Learning objectives
5.1 Create tags via HTTP POST methods
5.2 Update tags via HTTP PUT and PATCH methods
5.3 Delete tags via HTTP DELETE methods
5.4 Simplify the API code with viewsets and routers
5.5 Manipulate Startup objects
5.6 Manipulate NewsLink objects
Lesson 6: Receive and Manipulate Data via HTML Forms
Learning objectives
6.1 Build Django forms
6.2 Understand Django forms as finite state machines
6.3 Build Django view functions to create, update, and delete tag objects
6.4 Replace the class-based views with generic class-based views
Lesson 7: Deploy!
Learning objectives
7.1 Select a Cloud provider
7.2 Prepare for deployment
7.3 Deploy to Heroku
7.4 Start a new project with what you’ve learned