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The first integrated, up-to-date guide to web and network data modeling for both managers and academics
Master modern web and network data modeling: both theory and applications. In Web and Network Data Science, a top faculty member of Northwestern University’s prestigious analytics program presents the first fully-integrated treatment of both the business and academic elements of web and network modeling for predictive analytics.
Some books in this field focus either entirely on business issues (e.g., Google Analytics and SEO); others are strictly academic (covering topics such as sociology, complexity theory, ecology, applied physics, and economics). This text gives today's managers and students what they really need: integrated coverage of concepts, principles, and theory in the context of real-world applications.
Building on his pioneering Web Analytics course at Northwestern University, Thomas W. Miller covers usability testing, Web site performance, usage analysis, social media platforms, search engine optimization (SEO), and many other topics. He balances this practical coverage with accessible and up-to-date introductions to both social network analysis and network science, demonstrating how these disciplines can be used to solve real business problems.
Modeling Techniques in Predictive Analytics: Being Technically Inclined
Download the sample pages (includes Chapter 1 and Index)
Preface v
1 Being Technically Inclined 1
2 Delivering a Message Online 13
3 Crawling and Scraping the Web 25
4 Testing Links, Look, and Feel 43
5 Watching Competitors 55
6 Visualizing Networks 69
7 Understanding Communities 95
8 Measuring Sentiment 119
9 Discovering Common Themes 171
10 Making Recommendations 201
11 Playing Network Games 223
12 What’s Next for the Web? 233
A Data Science Methods 237
A.1 Databases and Data Preparation 240
A.2 Classical and Bayesian Statistics 242
A.3 Regression and Classification 245
A.4 Machine Learning 250
A.5 Data Visualization 252
A.6 Text Analytics 253
B Primary Research Online 261
C Case Studies 281
C.1 Email or Spam? 281
C.2 ToutBay Begins 284
C.3 Keyword Games: Dodgers and Angels 288
C.4 Enron Email Corpus and Network 291
C.5 Wikipedia Votes 292
C.6 Quake Talk 294
C.7 POTUS Speeches 295
C.8 Anonymous Microsoft Web Data 296
D Code and Utilities 297
E Glossary 313
Bibliography 321
Index 351