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If you are a Visual Basic programmer, this book will provide you with all the practical advice you need to master working with databases on client/server systems. Using real-life examples, this book provides a thorough and detailed introduction to ADO (ActiveX Data Objects) and to the various database productivity tools integrated into Visual Basic. It also offers a wealth of practical guidance on programming techniques allowing access to database servers such as MSQL Server. The book covers:
All examples are based on SQL Server 7, and the book also gives detailed information about the Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE), which is ideal for smaller database projects; if required MSDE can be updated to SQL Server without any change of code.
This book:
CD-Rom contains:
Structure of the book.
1. Quick Start.The pubs database.
Displaying sales figures.
The Data Environment designer.
Displaying an alphabetical title list.
Displaying sales figures per title.
Entering sales figures.
2. Relational databases.What is a database?
Brief database glossary.
Features of relational databases.
Sample databases.
Realization of database systems.
Jet vs. SQL Server, Access vs. VB.
Jet engine vs. SQL Server/MSDE.
Access vs. Visual Basic.
3. Tools and components.Libraries and control elements.
ADO library.
ADO versions and supplements.
Control elements.
Visual Basic development environment.
Visual Data Manager (VisData).
Data view window (DataView).
TSQL Debugger.
SQL Server and MSDE.
Versions and licenses.
Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE).
External programs and servers.
Access, Jet engine, Upsizing Wizard.
Internet Explorer.
Internet Information Server (IIS).
Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS).
Microsoft Message Queue (MSMQ).
Crystal Reports.
4. Transact SQL.Introduction.
Data queries (SELECT).
Syntax basics.
Combining data from several tables (INNER JOIN).
Data grouping (aggregate functions).
Reducing results lists.
Character strings, date, special characters.
Syntax summary.
Data changes (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE).
Making new tables (SELECT INTO).
If we are to believe Microsoftms marketing department, constructing a database application with Visual Basic takes only a couple of mouse clicks -- countless wizards and designers do most of the hard work. In fact, it is a miracle that there are any programmers left!
Admittedly, it looks different in practice: the conception and development of a database application require a wealth of experience, as well as a great deal of patience and nerve. This book aims to make professional database applications more approachable.
As databases cannot be mastered overnight, further clarification is required here: this book is specifically aimed at those programmers who combine Visual Basic with a real client/server database.
All examples, detailed solutions, and programming techniques introduced in this book are based on databases managed with the Microsoft SQL Server 7 or with the Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE). (Much information also applies to Jet databases, but this is included as incidental information only.)
The Microsoft Data Engine requires a special mention at this point: this latest innovation from Microsoft has only been on the market since the launch of Office 2000. Although the MSDE was not marketed with Visual Basic 6 as standard, it was of great significance for all VB programmers: it meant that modern database technology could be used in supporting proportionately small projects. The MSDE is a somewhat limited, yet completely compatible, version of the Microsoft SQL Server. The distinctive feature is that the MSDE may be distributed with programs which were developed with the VB Professional or Enterprise version free of charge!
This is not exclusively a hands-on guide to Visual Basic, quite simply because VB alone is insufficient in developing an efficient client/server application. A special emphasis is therefore placed on the basic principles of the interaction between VB code, the ADO library, and the SQL Server. If you try to increase the efficiency of a VB program by using stored procedures (these are SQL procedures executed by the server), you will immediately recognize why modern VB database development simply is not possible without a basic knowledge of SQL or an understanding of the concepts of relational databases.
This book shows you how to piece together the Microsoft jigsaw puzzle of components, libraries, servers, etc. and apply it in a stable and efficient manner. I wish you the very best of luck!
Michael Kofler