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With User Mode Linux you can create virtual Linux machines within a Linux computer and use them to safely test and debug applications, network services, and even kernels. You can try out new distributions, experiment with buggy software, and even test security. Now, for the first time, the creator and maintainer of User Mode Linux shows how to put it to work hands-on. Jeff Dike covers everything from getting started through running enterprise-class User Mode Linux servers. You'll find authoritative advice on bootup, compilation, administration, specialized configurations, and much more.
Coverage includes
Whether you're a netadmin, sysadmin, teacher, student, or programmer, User Mode Linux®--the technology and this book--is indispensable.
Preface ix
Acknowledgments xi
About the Author xiiiChapter 1: Introduction 1
What Is UML? 1
Comparison with Other Virtualization Technologies 2
Why Virtual Machines? 3
A Bit of History 4
What Is UML Used For? 8
The Future 14
Booting UML for the First Time 20
Booting UML Successfully 24
Looking at a UML from the Inside and Outside 29
Conclusion 37
Logging In as a Normal User 39
Consoles and Serial Lines 40
Adding Swap Space 47
Partitioned Disks 49
UML Disks as Raw Data 53
Networking 54
Shutting Down 59
COW Files 61
Networking the UML Instances 71
A Virtual Serial Line 79
Use and Abuse of UML Block Devices 83
Networking and the Host 87
Mounting Host Directories within a UML 101
Host Access to UML Filesystems 114
Making Backups 116
Extending Filesystems 117
When to Use What 118
Manually Setting Up Networking 121
The UML Networking Transports 142
An Extended Example 155
The Management Console 167
Controlling a UML Instance with Signals 188
Host Kernel Version 192
UML Execution Modes 194
Managing Long-Lived UML Instances 203
Networking 206
UML Physical Memory 206
Host Memory Consumption 208
umid Directories 209
Overall Recommendations 209
Security 212
Jailing UML Instances 216
Providing Console Access Securely 223
skas3 versus skas0 225
Future Enhancements 226
Final Points 232
Downloading UML Source 234
Configuration 235
Compilation 249
Large Numbers of Devices 252<