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The classic guide to UNIX networking APIs — completely updated!
° Previous editions sold over 160,000 units! Second Edition (1998) sold over 53,000 in retail alone!
° Updates coverage of programming standards, debugging techniques, and covers Operating Systems including Red Hat 9, Solaris 9, HP-UX, Free BSD 4.8/5.0, AIX 5.x, and Mac OS X.
° Bill Fenner (AT/T Labs) and Andrew Rudoff (SUN) carry on the tradition of this great work.
This is THE guide to UNIX network programming APIs. Whether you write Web servers, client/server applications, or any other network software, you need to understand networking APIS-especially sockets in greater detail than ever before. You need UNIX Network Programming, Volume 1, Third Edition. In this book, the Authors offer unprecedented, start-to-finish guidance on making the most of sockets, the de facto standard for UNIX network programming with APIs - as well as extensive coverage of the X/Open Transport Interface (XTI).
UNIX Network Programming: Sockets Introduction
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Chapter related to this title.
1. Introduction.Introduction.
A Simple Daytime Client.
Protocol Independence.
Error Handling: Wrapper Functions.
A Simple Daytime Server.
Roadmap to Client/Server Examples in the Text.
OSI Model.
BSD Networking History.
Test Networks and Hosts.
Unix Standards.
64-Bit Architectures.
2. The Transport Layer: TCP, UDP, and SCTP.Introduction.
The Big Picture.
User Datagram Protocol (UDP).
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP).
Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP).
TCP Connection Establishment and Termination.
SCTP Association Establishment and Termination.
Port Numbers.
TCP Port Numbers and Concurrent Servers.
Buffer Sizes and Limitations.
Standard Internet Services.
Protocol Usage by Common Internet Applications.
3. Sockets Introduction.Introduction.
Socket Address Structures.
Value-Result Arguments.
Byte Ordering Functions.
Byte Manipulation Functions.
inet_aton, inet_addr, and inet_ntoa Functions.
inet_pton and inet_ntop Functions.
sock_ntop and Related Functions.
readn, writen, and readline Functions.
4. Elementary TCP Sockets.Introduction.
socket Function.
connect Function.
bind Function.
listen Function.
accept Function.
fork and exec Functions.
Concurrent Servers.